La Fattoria dell'Autosufficienza

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It's a mix of (organic, green-fingered) business and pleasure at La Fattoria dell'Autosufficienza, an Emilia-Romagna site with solid ecological credentials. This organic farm, set over 68 hectares of countryside in the Apennines, opened up its pitches to tourists in 2020. These well-placed plots are spread over a terraced hillside between 500 and 1000 metres above sea level, surrounded by dry stone walls and fruit trees.
And what a spot it is for those that like their scenery – the green mountains that can be seen in the distance make a top backdrop to wake up to; between spring and autumn, you'll also be able to feast your eyes on the sight of flowers, herbs, fruit and other organic goodies growing in the farm's well-tended fields next door.
Self-sufficiency is one of the goals behind this place, so you'll likely be pleased to hear that La Fattoria dell'Autosufficienza has a range of facilities for cooking, washing and scrubbing your own kit; there's also a drying room and a fridge for those that need it. The toilets and showers are housed in a communal building made out of straw, wood and other natural materials and are powered by a mix of spring water and photovoltaic power.
San Piero in Bagno, 10 minutes away by road at the bottom of the valley, is close by for an afternoon passeggiata or tasty meal out.
Тип объекта
Оценка совета по туризму
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К сожалению, поблизости нет объектов, доступных для бронирования.
Можно с собаками
Развлечения в кемпинге
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Подходит для групп одного пола Подходит для мотоциклистов Подходит для семейного отдыха Подходит для студенческих компанийПравила
Гриль предоставляется Коммерческий транспорт разрешен Можно жечь костры Можно использовать гриль Можно с собаками Можно с собаками круглый годТемы
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Бар рядом Рядом место для выгула собакТип
Маленький (11-25 участков) ФермаДоступная среда
Удобства для людей с инвалидностьюРазвлечения поблизости
Верховая езда рядомРасположение
La Fattoria dell'Autosufficienza
Località Paganico
Bagno di Romagna
Часовой пояс
Europe/Rome +0100 (GMT+01:00)
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Что интересного рядом
Stop by in San Piero in Bagno (10 minutes' drive) for attractions like the weekly Wednesday market and the Castello di Corzano, an attractive ruined castle just outside the village with picnic spots and hiking trails. Also nearby are the Pontini and Lungo lakes (20 minutes), two handsome bodies of water that were formed following a huge landslide in the 19th century (angling is available at the former).
Other visit-worthy watery spots include Alferello waterfall (30 minutes), a 30-metre-high cascade tucked away in the forest. It's a pleasant stroll from here to Alfero town centre, about half an hour away on foot. While in the area, you can also pay a visit to Castel d'Alfero (30 minutes), an abandoned medieval village and destination for many a hilly hike.
This site may be deep in the Italian hinterland, but sandy Emilia-Romagna beaches are about an hour away by car. Ravenna (an hour and five minutes) is similarly easy to reach and a great pick for an urban day out: Roman, Renaissance and medieval architecture abounds in this world-class cultural hub.
Условия оплаты
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Размещение в собственных палатках и автодомах Заезд: 15:00 – 21:00 Отъезд до: 10:30