Кемпинги — Ло

Ло — 11 кемпингов доступно для бронирования

We do occasionally think of the Stephen King vampirefest Salem’s Lot when we add a new campsite in the Lot, but that’s because we are admittedly a little strange. The lovely Lot is of course (these days) vampire free, even if it is really rather ancient what with the limestone plateaux of the Massif Central, great gorges, aged rocks, prehistoric caves and the cave paintings of Pech-Merle…

And what a Lot of other things you can do when camping in the Lot. Thousands come to the much-visited Midi-Pyrénées department to visit the gorgeside village of Rocamadour, one of the most popular ancient sites in the country along with Mont St-Michel in the Manche, and to descend the rocky stairs to boat along the chasmy depths of the Padirac Chasm/Gouffre de Padirac, the most visited underground tourism attraction in France. (And while we parlez about boats, we insist on a canoe or kayak trip along the peaceful Lot river too.)

Access many of the sights in la Lot from the 500km of the Tour du Lot traversable by pedal or pied, or peruse the local attractions section on all our Lot campsites to find local cycle routes, nearby bathing waters and Lots of tips on what to see and do. 

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