Juliette Tentvakanties at Camping Les Tourterelles

Lots of trees around the site (added by manager 05 Dec 2018)

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  • Большой глэмпинг в сафари-палатках возле Туртуарака
  • Катание на лошадях и пони и уроки верховой езды на территории
  • Открытый бассейн, детский бассейн, бистро и летний детский клуб
Busy bees? Juggling a collection of wriggling small people? Mislaid the majority of your tent pegs? Frankly, just looking for hassle-free hols? A jaunt to Juliette Tentvakanties at Camping Les Tourterelles, five minutes from Tourtoirac, should see you sorted. All is set up in for all sorts of folks at the safari tents on this Aquitaine site; simply dump your bags at your digs and dash directly out for Dordogne activities, or flop down on your deck and pop open a well-earned bottle of something. If you’re settling here with an eye on active times, it’s worth noting that there’s a ranch on site with 26 horses and ponies waiting to be saddled up to saunter through the surrounds. The area’s got plentiful mountain bike and hiking routes too, and a cracking collection of caves, castles and gardens to visit. Should you be more in the mood for days of dawdling, those are equally easily achieved – find a sunny or shaded snoozing spot somewhere around the site’s 12 hectares, take a swim in the open-air pool or set up camp on a poolside lounger while the tiddlers splash in the paddling pool. If they tire of such exploits there’s plenty more to keep them entertained on site, particularly during the summer months, when they’re liable to be whisked off for treasure hunts, games and the like. A bistro and bar are on site for your easy eats (with all manner of evening ents in high season), although you’ve also got plenty of kitchen kit at your tent if you’re in the mood to create your own feast.

Тип объекта

Аренда фургонов 1
Аренда палатки 3

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Мини (1-10 участков)


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Развлечения поблизости

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Juliette Tentvakanties at Camping Les Tourterelles

Clos Fauré





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Europe/Paris +0200 (GMT+02:00)



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Что интересного рядом

Happy with your horse-steering skills? Sign up for hacks from the site with Angelique, who’ll lead you through the woods and across rivers, giving you glimpses into the area’s past and present as you trot. Not so confident/never climbed aboard before? She’ll happily give lessons to those who want to join in too. Tourtoirac’s a pretty place to potter around – both above ground and beneath the surface at the Grotte de Tourtoirac, a cave system full of stalagmites and stalactites five minutes’ drive from the village. If you like what you see here, there’s more of a similar variety (with added ancient cave art to gawp at) 45 minutes away in Lascaux. If you’re up for wafting around imagining aristo life, sashay around the elegant state rooms and fab formal gardens at Château de Hautefort, 10 minutes away. More gorgeous gardens are at Jardins de l’Imaginaire, half an hour away – scented walkways, waterfalls and heaps of bright colours are all part of the setup here, as are scenic views over the town of Terrasson-Lavilledieu.


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  • Что интересного рядом с Juliette Tentvakanties at Camping Les Tourterelles? Happy with your horse-steering skills? Sign up for hacks from the site with Angelique, who’ll lead you through the woods and across rivers, giving you glimpses into the area’s past and present … Читать дальше
  • Когда оформляется заезд/выезд из Juliette Tentvakanties at Camping Les Tourterelles?
    Размещение на объекте
    Заезд:  15:00 –  19:00
    Отъезд до:  10:30
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