Camping La Garenne

Swimming pool

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Boing! The eagle-eyed among you may have already noted from a quick flick though the pics that Camping La Garenne is an excellent place to land for those of you with a family of energetic jumping beans in tow. But land-based leapings on the bouncy castle and trampoline and flinging oneself into the cooling waters of the pool are merely the start of the list of activities on offer here to keep the kids happy (and the parents mercifully free of protestations of boredom). Once at least partially dried off from the poolside splashing, it’s maybe time for them to hook up with like-minded souls for activities at the kids’ club or convene an ad-hoc game of football or volleyball. Or trot off with just a pal or two to play table tennis, pinball, pétanque, table football or board games… And what of the grownup folks they may well have temporarily abandoned in their quest for fun with their mates? Well, perhaps now’s the time to burn off a few croissant-based calories with an aqua gym class or take yourself off to the little spa hut for a well-earned wallow in the hot tub or a sauna sesh. Or you could just, you know, pour a glass of something, sit back and do not much at all (oh, what a splendid thought). You love them really of course (especially after that restorative little splodge of time to yourself), so once reunited you could look into some of the options for good times en famille – join up with guided hikes or canoe trips from the site in high season, hire bikes or electric scooters to get out about on local lanes through the forests and fields. But don’t peak too early in the day, as there may well still be evening entertainment to come; in high season the social whirl ramps up with themed meals, dancing, live music and all sorts. Before you get too stuck into the revelry, don’t forget to order your fresh bread and croissants to help ward off any fuzzy-headed feelings the following morning (your future self will thank you). However if you do forget, it’s not the end of the world – it’s but a 10-minute amble to the local grocery store and 15 minutes into the village for a bakery. Back at base camp, the snack bar and restaurant ably cater for your on-site eats but you’re highly encouraged to make a break for the village on a Friday night in high season to poke around for tasty treats at the night market.

Тип объекта

Участки для палаток 10
Участки для автофургонов 10
Участки для автодомов 10
Охотничьи домики, домики-капсулы или шале 40
Открыто круглый год

Оценка совета по туризму

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К сожалению, поблизости нет объектов, доступных для бронирования.


Развлечения в кемпинге

Бар или клуб Бассейн на улице Велопрокат Вечерняя развлекательная программа Водный спорт Детский клуб Джакузи Еда на вынос Игровая комната Игровая площадка Крытый бассейн Петанк Ресторан/кафе при объекте Рыбалка ТВ-зал Теннис Фитнес-центр

Удобства на месте

WiFi Бесплатный WiFi Биотуалет Доступ в Интернет Есть ванна Есть душ Местные продукты Место для мытья посуды Мобильный туалет Охлаждение пакетами со льдом Парковка возле участка/единицы размещения Прачечная Продуктовый магазин Собачья площадка Сушильная комната Телефон общего пользования Трансфер от остановки общественного транспорта Туалет Туалет для родителей с детьми Туалеты в пабе

Можно группой

Подходит для групп одного пола Подходит для мотоциклистов Подходит для семейного отдыха Подходит для собраний Подходит для студенческих компаний Подходит для школьников


Гриль предоставляется Коммерческий транспорт разрешен Можно жечь костры Можно использовать гриль Можно с собаками Можно с собаками круглый год

Кемпинг нового поколения

Участки под тенты большого размера


Бюджет / пеший туризм Гастрономический рай Дикая природа Лес Рай для пеших прогулок Тихое место


Возобновляемый источник энергии Газовые баллоны в наличии Места для зарядки устройств Место для зарядки электромобиля Переработка мусора Утилизация химреагентов

Места поблизости

Бар рядом Магазин рядом Рядом место для выгула собак Фермерский рынок рядом


Большой (51-200 участков) Паб с местом для кемпинга

Доступная среда

Удобства для людей с инвалидностью


Camping La Garenne

Le Combal





Как добраться

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Europe/Paris +0100 (GMT+01:00)



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Что интересного рядом

If you’re struggling to wrangle your small fry from the clutches of the on-site antics, perhaps you’d do well to start by suggesting a visit to the Bovetti chocolate museum, 25 minutes away, where they can learn about the production of the sweet treats and pick up a few samples along the way. Or maybe they’ll get excited about the prospect of climbing high up into the canopy at the Appel de la Foret adventure park to make their way through the treetops on nets, swinging bridges and pulse-raising zipwires. Down in Montignac, 20 minutes’ drive from base camp, there’s more activity in the form of canoe and kayak trips on the Vézère river, and you can pop over to see the prehistoric paintings in the Lascaux caves from here (it’s actually a replica cave in order to preserve the ancient artworks in the original, but a mighty fine spectacle nonetheless). More cave action can be had at the Tourtoirac caves, half an hour from the site – here you’ll see all manner of fab natural formations on your guided tour. Back above ground, sashay over to Château de Hautefort, 20 minutes away in the car, a former medieval fortress converted to a stately home in the 17th century. There’s much to marvel at here, including some well-preserved furniture, fab formal gardens and of course the fably handsome building itself. If you’re of the green-fingered variety be prepared for the rest of your being to turn green with envy as you visit the Jardins de l’Imaginaire, also around 20 minutes away – the place has been designed in a series of garden ‘rooms’, with art installations, a gorgeous collection of roses and some imaginative water features as you go round.


Есть дополнительные условия — см. подробную информацию в разделе "Типы размещения"


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    Отъезд до:  10:00
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