Camping Porto Jofre

View over the river (added by manager 31 Mar 2020)

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It's all about the wildlife and wonder around here… The stretch of the Cuiabá river around Porto Jofre is a hub for all manner of exotic flora and fauna, and Camping Porto Jofre, on the Cuiabá's northern bank, makes a fab base for getting out to see it all. Guests at this Mato Grosso can hike through the lush wetland surroundings or sign up for critter-viewing tours that will take them out in search of tapirs, ocelots, wolves and other local beasts. The real highlight of this area, however, has to be the chance to go out on a jaguar-spotting tour – have a chat with the folk on site to sort an outing in search of these elusive cats (they reckon you’re pretty much guaranteed a sighting if you give it three days…) This site's location is pretty nifty too: it's just at the southern end of the 150-kilometre Transpantaneira, a rather remarkable road that runs from Poconé in the north down through the Pantanal – the largest tropical wetland area on the planet – and the riverside setting means access to some good fishing when you're not out and about. For food, the self-service restaurant serves up local grub (including breakfasts), and there’s a barbecue area for those who'd prefer to cook their own. Pitches have access to plenty of shade, free wifi, covered seating areas, a water supply and separate male/female bathrooms.

Тип объекта

Участки для палаток 100
Участки для автофургонов 20
Участки для автодомов 20
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Развлечения в кемпинге

Бар или клуб Бассейн на улице Велопрокат Вечерняя развлекательная программа Водный спорт Детский клуб Еда на вынос Игровая комната Игровая площадка Крытый бассейн Ресторан/кафе при объекте Рыбалка ТВ-зал Теннис Фитнес-центр

Удобства на месте

WiFi Бесплатный WiFi Биотуалет Доступ в Интернет Есть ванна Есть душ Место для мытья посуды Мобильный туалет Охлаждение пакетами со льдом Парковка возле участка/единицы размещения Прачечная Продуктовый магазин Собачья площадка Сушильная комната Телефон общего пользования Трансфер от остановки общественного транспорта Туалет Туалет для родителей с детьми Туалеты в пабе

Можно группой

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Места поблизости

Бар рядом Рядом место для выгула собак


Большой (51-200 участков)


Удобства для людей с инвалидностью

Развлечения поблизости

Рыбалка рядом


Camping Porto Jofre

Estrada Transpantaneira

Km 146

Porto Jofre




Как добраться

Часовой пояс

America/Campo_Grande -0400 (GMT-04:00)



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Что интересного рядом

The Cuiabá river is home to many a secluded spot, making this peaceful stretch of water a good one for floating safaris. Chat with staff on site to arrange a wildlife-watching boat trip in the surrounding area or hire canoes on site to set off for self-powered river adventures. Landlubbers who have come here in search of tropical birds and beasts have plenty of options too: Fazenda São Bento (a five-minute drive from base) has dedicated trucks that rove these banks on the hunt for nature. Encontro das Águas State Park (half an hour by car) is also worth a gander – hikes through these parts come highly recommended, as do local birdwatching opportunities (don't forget your binoculars). For a road trip that takes in spectacular vistas, head to the Transpantaneira and drive the two hours and 45 minutes up to Poconé. The surrounding landscape is sure to make a splash (particularly during the rainy season, when 80% of the Pantanal is under water) and Poconé has several good restaurants where you can stop off before heading back to base for a night under the stars.


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  • Когда оформляется заезд/выезд из Camping Porto Jofre?
    Размещение в собственных палатках и автодомах
    Заезд:  8:00 –  17:00
    Отъезд до:  любое время
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