Woodhill Park

Electric grass pitches surrounded by hedges and plants

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Looking for a seaside hol crammed with things to do for all ages, but want to avoid the hordes of the south? Come north to Norfolk and viewsome family-friendly Woodhill Park, tucked between Cromer and Sheringham on the inviting Norfolk coast and a top-notch base to explore the county’s modern and historical highlights. Coast, cliff, countryside and critters are all present and correct here: Woodhill is in a clifftop location with views of the coast and the Norfolk countryside, is a mile or so’s walk from Cromer and carefully manages its habitat to attract as much local wildlife as poss. Look out for skylarks soaring above the wildflower meadow, red admiral butterflies flitting around the flowers, harvest mice scampering about and the local fox coming home of a morn after hunting. (The Woodhill team will be delighted to know of any more unusual species spotted, as part of their long-running conservation policy is to keep records of birdly and beastly visitors to the clifftop.) Critters of your own will be entertained on the Woodhill playing field, set away from tents and caravans and with play equipment, sandpit, crazy golf, tennis nets and a goalpost – and grownups should be equally impressed with the wide range of amenities on site, including family bathroom with bath, shower, loo, sink and baby changing; three family shower rooms with loos and sinks; disabled shower and loo; and general access loos, showers and baby changing. A laundry room, washing-up sinks and a shop selling essentials are all to hand too. Finally, the sunsets from this site are among the best you’ll ever see: head up the hill towards the back of the park where guests gather each evening to see and photograph them, all washed down with a cold Norfolk real ale.

Тип объекта

Участки для палаток 250
Участки для автофургонов 250
Участки для автодомов 250

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Большой (51-200 участков)

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Woodhill Park

Cromer Road

East Runton




NR27 9PX

Как добраться

Часовой пояс

Europe/London +0000 (GMT+00:00)



Как добраться

Woodhill Park is located on the left if you are driving along the A149 from Sheringham to Cromer.

Ближайший транспорт

31,9 км Victoria
34,8 км Bus Station
35,1 км Admissions Building
1,1 км West Runton Rail Station
2,2 км Cromer Rail Station
3,3 км Roughton Road Rail Station
46,4 км Reedham Ferry North
46,5 км Reedham Ferry South
29,7 км Norwich International Airport

Внимание: Все расстояния на этой странице рассчитаны по прямой — пожалуйста, воспользуйтесь кнопкой "Как добраться" выше, чтобы уточнить фактическое расстояние в зависимости от вашего способа передвижения.

Что интересного рядом

Cromer is within walking distance of Woodhill (take the footpath to East Runton, stop off at The Fishing Boat for a pint, then slip down onto the beach) and has most of what you’ll need for a seaside day out including a funfair and zoo. The history of the town and its contribution to fishing in the area is told at the Cromer Museum in a nineteenth century fishing house, while the RNLI Henry Blogg Museum tells the tale of famed local rescuer Henry Blogg and the town’s lifeboats. Cromer is probably most famous for its crab and visitors have the option of picking some up at the beach or local shops to take back to camp, sampling some from the town’s pubs and restaurants, or crabbing off Cromer pier. Sea bass and cod can often be caught from the beach and pier; anglers also often hire boats to go out fishing from the shore. Hike and bike paths run from Cromer too: the 92-mile Norfolk Coast Cycleway links Cromer with Great Yarmouth to the east and Kings Lynn in the west. On foot, both the Norfolk Coast Path (45 miles, towards Hunstanton) and the Weavers’ Way (56 miles, towards Great Yarmouth) finish in the town. Catch the Coasthopper bus from Cromer to King’s Lynn if walking’s not your thing, or see the countryside in style on the North Norfolk Railway, which runs from seaside town Sheringham – in the other direction of Cromer from Woodhill Park – inland to market town Holt. Halt here for a bit to check out the shops and the country park; from Holt; it’s 23 miles to Norwich, also well worth a day out. Inland, the Norfolk Broads – good for a day or three – have wildlife spotting boat trips, more fishing, extreme sports and steam trains among plenty more. Take another day or three to explore Great Yarmouth, Hunstanton, Wells next the Sea, Blakeney and the other seaside towns and villages of the Norfolk coast; all have their own attractions, such as the National Nature Reserve at Blakeney and the upmarket vibe at Wells. Weybourne, three miles from Sheringham, was a vital defence point during World War II and now holds the Muckleburgh Collection, the biggest privately owned collection of tanks and military vehicles in the world.

Качество воды в ближайших водоемах

Название Расстояние Тип 2020201920182017
West Runton 0,8 км Море НеприменимоОтличноОтличноОтлично
East Runton 0,9 км Море НеприменимоОтличноОтличноОтлично
Cromer 2,7 км Море НеприменимоОтличноОтличноОтлично
Sheringham 3,7 км Море НеприменимоОтличноОтличноОтлично
Mundesley 13,8 км Море НеприменимоОтличноОтличноОтлично

Источник: Европейское экологическое сообщество

Стоит посмотреть

Felbrigg Hall, Garden and Park 3,3 км

Mannington Gardens 11,8 км

Blickling Hall, Gardens and Park 14,2 км

Shrine of our Lady of Walsingham 26,4 км

BeWILDerwood 28,3 км

Национальный фонд

Felbrigg Hall, Garden and Park 3,3 км

Sheringham Park 5,6 км

Blickling Hall, Gardens and Park 14,3 км

Blakeney National Nature Reserve 18,7 км

Horsey Windpump 32,9 км

Велосипедные маршруты

Национальная сеть веломаршрутов — более 20 000 км велосипедных маршрутов.


East and West Runton 0,8 км

Cromer - Felbrigg 2,5 км

Beeston Regis 2,7 км


Norfolk Coastal Path - Sheringham - Upper Sheringham 3,6 км

Внимание: Все расстояния на этой странице рассчитаны по прямой — пожалуйста, воспользуйтесь кнопкой "Как добраться" выше, чтобы уточнить фактическое расстояние в зависимости от вашего способа передвижения.


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