• Naturskjønt og fredfullt sted i bakkene ved den utdøde vulkanen Ilalo
  • 40 min. kjøring inn til Quito, 1 time fra Refugio Ecológico Molinuco
  • Restaurant, lekeområde og terrasse med utsikt til fjellene
Do crowded sites and screaming kids get you all heated up? At El Ilalo Campground – a spacious and greenery-filled site in El Tingo, 40 minutes’ drive from the centre of the Ecuadorian capital city of Quito – all is calm for scenic stays. The site’s on the slopes of Ilalo volcano (don’t worry – it’s long extinct) so volcanologists and enthusiastic hikers should get to work straight away, moving towards its hikes faster than flowing lava. Head to Tumbaco to scale the northern side and spy out the views towards Colombia, or start an assault on the steeper southern side for stunning vistas of Cotopaxi and other peaks. It’s not the only volcano round here either – cross the city to hitch a ride on the TelefériQo cable car and get deposited part way up the slopes of Pichincha, then climb the rest of the way to the summit. There are excellent views over this way too… When muscle aches become too much to handle, one of the naturally heated pools in the area should serve to unravel them. The site is on the Intervalles de las Termas route, so there are plenty of pools within 20 minutes full of thermal volcanic water. Days of hiking can be rewarded with a bite in the on-site restaurant, and there are lots of eateries between the site and the centre of Quito for a local flavour.

Type campingplass

Lei et telt 1
Teltplasser 10
Bobilplasser 10
Hytter, stuer eller småhytter 1
Campingvognplasser 10
Åpent hele året

Turistrådets vurdering

Språk som snakkes



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El Ilalo Campground

El Tingo







America/Guayaquil -0500 (GMT-05:00)



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Lokale attraksjoner

The site’s in a prime spot on the outskirts of Quito, placing plenty to do within easy reach. Within around half an hour’s drive guests can visit the extravagantly gilded Iglesia de la Compañía de Jesús, take tours of the Ecuadorian government buildings (Palacio de Gobierno), stroll through the botanic garden in Parque La Carolina, or wander through the artistic La Capilla del Hombre (a cultural centre that elevates humankind to a spiritual level). One doesn’t need to travel far to escape the city either, and there’s lots hereabouts to entertain the entire family. Head to Vulqano Park for a day of screaming along rides, or venture towards the other side of the city for ziplining, climbing and swinging at Nayon Xtreme Valley adventure park. (Both are within 40 minutes of base.) City days can be overwhelming sometimes, but the site’s well-placed for peaceful hours out in nature: it’s 55 minutes to Refugio Ecológico Molinuco if hiking, waterfalls, trekking and canopying sound like the dream, and Refugio de Vida Silvestre Pasochoa is a must an hour away for birdwatchers who always fancy lengthy hikes. There’s art history too… The site’s about an hour from Museo Templo del Sol Pintor Cristobal Ortega Maila, a museum temple designed by the eponymous artist to preserve Andean culture.


Ingen vurderinger foreløpig.

  • Har El Ilalo Campground et svømmebasseng? Nei Se alle funksjoner
  • Er El Ilalo Campground hundevennlig? Ja Se alle funksjoner
  • Hvilke attraksjoner finnes i nærheten av El Ilalo Campground? The site’s in a prime spot on the outskirts of Quito, placing plenty to do within easy reach. Within around half an hour’s drive guests can visit the extravagantly gilded Iglesia de … Les mer
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