On the shores of Estonia’s largest inland lake, Lake Võrtsjärv, and backed by a large pine forest, Viljandi County’s Vaibla Holiday Center is cleverly placed for hols of all kinds, from those that revolve around lounging on the beach to those that require a little more energy. The site’s lakeside location makes splashing about as easy as wandering down to the beach. The lengthy sandy stretch has plenty of space for catching rays, dipping toes in the water, bashing a ball about in beach volleyball and hiring paddle boats, pedal boats or a sail boat for watery jaunts. Best of all, it’s just a quick saunter from the beach bar, where eats and drinks are handily sorted when hunger strikes. Away from the water-based activities, kids can be kept entertained on the adventure trail through the forest, and the whole family can sign up for berry and mushroom picking or higher-octane antics at the indoor paintballing arena. Keen on foodie activities? Fish smoking and fish cooking workshops are available. The site is particularly well placed for those who like to explore on two wheels too: the 140-kilometre cycle trail that rings the lake passes directly through the site. Those feeling a little sore after days in the saddle (or who simply want to unknot some tension) can steam themselves in the site's sauna.


Teltpladser 50
Campingpladser for kørende campingvogne 10
Autocamperpladser 10
Træhytter, hytter eller camping-pods 10

Talte sprog



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Fritidsaktiviteter på stedet

Aftenunderholdning Bar eller klubhus Børneklub Cykelleje Fiskeri Fitnesscenter Fjernsynsrum Indendørs swimmingpool Legeplads Petanque Restaurant/Bar på pladsen Spillerum Takeaway Tennis Udendørs swimmingpool Vandsport

Faciliteter på stedet

Afhentning fra offentlig transport Bad til rådighed Bilparkering ved campingarealet/enheden Bruser til rådighed Familietoiletter Fryser med køleelement Gratis wi-fi Hundepark Internet-adgang Komposttoilet Købmandsbutik Møntvaskeri Offentlig telefon Offentlige toiletter Opvaskeområde Portabelt toilet Toiletblok Tørrerum Wi-fi

Grupper er velkomne

Familievenlig Grupper af samme køn velkomne Grupper af studerende velkomne Motorcyklister velkomne


Bål tilladt Erhvervskøretøjer tilladt Grill kan lånes Grill tilladt Hunde tilladte Hunde tilladte hele året rundt


Fredfyldt Sø og/eller bjerg


Gasflasker til rådighed Genbrug tilgængeligt Grøn energi Kemisk bortskaffelse Ladestationer til elbiler Opladningsfaciliteter

Faciliteter i nærheden

Bar i nærheden Hundevenligt område Offentlig transport i nærheden


Mellem (26-50 arealenheder)



Fritidsaktiviteter i nærheden

Fritids-/forlystelsespark i nærheden


Vaibla Holiday Center

Vaibla Küla







Europe/Tallinn EEST (GMT+03:00)



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Lokale seværdigheder

For stays absolutely dripping with Estonian history, you can’t go far wrong round here. The site’s only five minutes’ drive from Meleski Glass Museum (a 1,000-strong collection of glassworks from the Meleski glass factory) and 20 minutes from Rannu Manor Park, once home to the tragic figure of Barbara von Tiesenhausen, whose love story inspired multiple authors and an opera. Further afield, get a feel for local life with a stop at Heimtali Muuseum or Olustvere Manor (both 40 minutes away) – the latter is a must visit for its tours of outbuildings that were once home to blacksmiths, ceramics and glass working, stables, and bakers. If nature's more your thing, turn instead to Jaarvemuuseum Akva:rium (25 minutes), an aquarium on the shores of the lake, or traipse along the Selli-Sillaotsa trail in Alam-Pedja Nature Reserve (45 minutes). When urban days beckon, wander the streets of the town of Viljandi (30 minutes) – visiting its museums, manor and castle ruins – or travel the 40 minutes to the university city of Tartu and its science centre, botanical gardens, observatory, waterpark and host of museums, including those dedicated to print, toys, the KGB and beer. If there’s only time for one thing though, make it a pilgrimage to the city’s famed upside-down house.


Ingen anmeldelser endnu.

  • Er der en pool på Vaibla Holiday Center? Nej Se alle funktioner
  • Er Vaibla Holiday Center hundevenlig? Ja Se alle funktioner
  • Hvilke attraktioner er der i nærheden af Vaibla Holiday Center? For stays absolutely dripping with Estonian history, you can’t go far wrong round here. The site’s only five minutes’ drive from Meleski Glass Museum (a 1,000-strong collection of glassworks from the Meleski … Læs mere
  • Hvornår kan jeg tjekke ind og ud af Vaibla Holiday Center?
    Telt- og campingpladser
    Ankomst:  08:00 –  22:00
    Afrejse senest:  10:00
    Overnatningsmuligheder på pladsen
    Ankomst:  08:00 –  21:00
    Afrejse senest:  10:00
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