Lone Mountain RV Resort

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Je to zdarma, rychlé a snadné!
- Prostorný karavanový park s pěší stezkou a malým jezerem pro koupání
- Necelých 50 minut jízdy od jeskyní Oregon a státního park Redwoods
- 5 minut autem od botanické stezky Wayside a zoo Great Cats
Live life on a larger scale at Lone Mountain RV Resort, where the redwood trees tower and the rivers roar…
This spacious Oregon park is a couple of minutes’ drive from the town of O’Brien, and just under 10 minutes from California, surrounded by mighty rivers and quiet creeks, remote mountain ranges and wilderness areas full of wildlife and those record-busting redwood trees… which rank among the oldest and the biggest in the world. The Eight Dollar Mountain boardwalk and trail is 20 minutes' drive away.
Lone Mountain doesn’t stint on space either: there’s lots of room to stretch out, unwind and take in the views… and a walking trail on site winds up at a small lake and beach area for swims and lazing about.
Despite the wilderness vibe, you needn’t head into the hills with an axe at dinnertime, as firewood is sold at the office, and a charcoal barbecue, firepit and picnic table accompany every pitch. There’s a well-stocked grocery store a couple of minutes’ walk away… and a diner if you’d rather someone else did the cooking.
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Lone Mountain RV Resort
169 Lone Mountain Road
Časová zóna
America/Los_Angeles PST (GMT-08:00)
Upozornění: Veškeré vzdálenosti uvedené na této stránce byly měřeny vzdušnou čarou – zkontrolujte skutečnou vzdálenost v závislosti na způsobu dopravy pomocí tlačítka Trasa.
Místní atrakce
The distances don’t have to be redwood sized round here: the wilderness of the Rough and Ready Botanical Wayside is a five-minute drive away. While it’s one of the more compact state park areas, it’s also one of the most diverse, a sparsely wooded desert that comes alive with rare plants and blooms at different times of the year.
Also five minutes away, still wild but very different, Great Cats World Park has some 50 feline residents, from snow leopards and fishing cats to ocelots and jaguars.
Try salmon fishing yourself around Swinging Bridge (50 minutes), in the Rogue River-Sisikiyou National Forest, along with whitewater rafting, hiking and swims in the rock pools. It’s a similar distance to the Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park, where stands of the kingsize sequoia trees merge with woodlands, prairies and rivers full of wildlife; look out for black bears, cougars and flying squirrels on your terrainy travels.
If you’re suffering a touch of vertigo after the redwood trees, head deep down at Oregon Caves, also 50 minutes away, for tours of an underground network of marble halls and caverns, filled with fantastical rock formations.
Sea lions and whales can be spotted on wanders of the Tolowa Dunes State Park (an hour), where shifting sands meet forests, wetlands and eventually, the Pacific Ocean.
California may have stolen the show when it comes to vines and wines, but Oregon is on course to be a big name in booze circles: there are vineyards with tours and tastings all across the area, such as Augustino Estate, Bridgeview and Forris; five, 15 and 25 minutes away.
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Časté dotazy
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- Jaké najdu v okolí kempu Lone Mountain RV Resort zajímavosti? The distances don’t have to be redwood sized round here: the wilderness of the Rough and Ready Botanical Wayside is a five-minute drive away. While it’s one of the more compact state … Přečíst si více