Joshua Tree Ranch

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Looking to escape LA? Joshua Tree Ranch is a spectacularly scenic park in the Antelope Valley, California, with far-reaching views over the gorgeous Tehachapi and San Gabriel mountains. Hot in the day and cool at night, this all-natural campsite has a Wild West feel – nobody watching, tumbleweed and big, big skies. This is not a manicured operation – it's right at the edge of desert wilderness, with excellent sunsets, spectacular stargazing and nature all around.
There are no designated pitches here, so pick the spot that looks good to you and feel free to spread out. There are no toilets or showers either, no concrete slabs and generally nothing that feels man-made – and that's all part of the appeal.
That being said, this place isn't in the middle of nowhere and, while secluded, is easy to reach. The nearest town, Neenach, is a 15-minute drive away and has a great general store and café (the breakfast burritos are particularly recommended). There's also the slightly larger city of Lancaster, 25 minutes down the road in the other direction, plus top-rated local attractions like the Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve (10 minutes), a wildlife area that bursts into bloom in the spring.
This 2.5-acre ranch is covered by Joshua trees – but don't confuse it with Joshua Tree National Park, a similarly spectacular spot that's roughly 150 miles away. Please remember to respect the property and clean up after yourself and to be mindful of other guests during your stay.
Typ kempu
Otevřeno po celý rok
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Kempy v okolí, které lze rezervovat na stránkách
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Bezbariérová zařízeníLokalita
Joshua Tree Ranch
15099 West Avenue C
Časová zóna
America/Los_Angeles PST (GMT-08:00)
Upozornění: Veškeré vzdálenosti uvedené na této stránce byly měřeny vzdušnou čarou – zkontrolujte skutečnou vzdálenost v závislosti na způsobu dopravy pomocí tlačítka Trasa.
Místní atrakce
There's no shortage of excellent hiking here: the long-distance Pacific Crest Trail crosses the Antelope Valley at nearby Three Points (20 minutes' drive) if you want to trek some of its 2000-mile length, while other locations like Saddleback Butte State Park (40 minutes) and the Devil's Punchbowl Natural Area (an hour) are highly recommended too.
Bringing kids? For a fantastic family-friendly theme park, Six Flags Magic Mountain is just under an hour away on the edge of Santa Clarita. Other options include Windswept Ranch Petting Zoo (30 minutes), where you can meet gentle donkeys, horses, camels and alpacas. Finally, to teach them more about this fragile desert environment, you might like to also visit the Alta Wind Energy Center (30 minutes).
After ticking off Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve (10 minutes), explore other gardens that contrast with the wild desert scenery – good options include Descanso Gardens (an hour and 10 minutes) and Los Angeles County Arboretum (an hour and 20 minutes).
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Časté dotazy
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- Je kemp Joshua Tree Ranch vhodný pro psy? Ano Zobrazit všechny vlastnosti
- Jaké najdu v okolí kempu Joshua Tree Ranch zajímavosti? There's no shortage of excellent hiking here: the long-distance Pacific Crest Trail crosses the Antelope Valley at nearby Three Points (20 minutes' drive) if you want to trek some of its 2000-mile … Přečíst si více
- Kdy se můžu v kempu Joshua Tree Ranch ubytovat a kdy zase odhlásit?
Kempování a cestování Příjezd: 14:00 – Kdykoli Odjezd před: 14:00