Kampaoh Cabañeros

Swimming pool open in high season

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If you’ve ever fancied taking yourselves off to a cosy little cabin in the countryside, this is the place to do it… Kampaoh Cabañeros is just on the edge of the Cabañeros National Park, about 10 minutes’ walk from Navas de Estena, and it’s surrounded by unspoiled nature, wildlife and hiking trails. Depending on the time of year, you may spot migrating cranes flying overhead, hear deer bellowing in the forests or see evidence of the wild boars, vultures and eagles that inhabit this part of the world. The views are special at any time of year, too – this is a spot where you’ll be able to put your feet up and unwind surrounded by mountain and forest views. The surroundings may be fairly wild, but the accommodation is certainly not – the tipis are kitted out with comfortable beds (with bed linen provided) and handy extras including a fridge, and each one has a covered porch that’s just the place to sit out in the deck chairs provided and soak up the fresh air and (hopefully) sunshine. As this site is part of a larger campsite, you’ll also have access to the useful facilities provided there, including the semi-Olympic swimming pool and the paddling pool, open for cooling dips in the summer months. The restaurant is another highlight, serving up tasty tapas and a menu of local dishes – that should give you plenty of fuel to get you going with the area’s hiking trails.

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Bezbariérová zařízení


Kampaoh Cabañeros

Av. de Parque Nacional de Cabañeros

Navas de Estena

Ciudad Real




Časová zóna

Europe/Madrid SEČ (GMT+01:00)



Upozornění: Veškeré vzdálenosti uvedené na této stránce byly měřeny vzdušnou čarou – zkontrolujte skutečnou vzdálenost v závislosti na způsobu dopravy pomocí tlačítka Trasa.

Místní atrakce

The landscapes of the Cabañeros National Park are perhaps best explored on foot – the national park information point (five minutes’ drive) can organise guides, introduce you to the area’s wildlife and history, and give you the lowdown on the best hiking routes. Handily, one of the most popular trails, the Ruta Boqueron Estena, starts just a couple of minutes’ walk from your accommodation. For a different way to see the scenery, organise an outing from the horse riding centre in the village. Although you’ve most likely come here to immerse yourselves in unspoiled nature, it’s possible to mix in a city day or two if you fancy a change of scenery. A drive of around an hour and a quarter will get you either to Ciudad Real to visit the Don Quixote Museum or to Toledo to explore UNESCO-listed sights like the Alcazar and Mezquita Cristo de la Luz and visit the El Greco Museum.


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Časté dotazy

  • Nachází se v kempu Kampaoh Cabañeros bazén? Ano Zobrazit všechny vlastnosti
  • Je kemp Kampaoh Cabañeros vhodný pro psy? Ne Zobrazit všechny vlastnosti
  • Jaké najdu v okolí kempu Kampaoh Cabañeros zajímavosti? The landscapes of the Cabañeros National Park are perhaps best explored on foot – the national park information point (five minutes’ drive) can organise guides, introduce you to the area’s wildlife and … Přečíst si více
  • Kdy se můžu v kempu Kampaoh Cabañeros ubytovat a kdy zase odhlásit?
    Ubytování na místě
    Příjezd:  15:00 –  21:00
    Odjezd před:  11:00
    Přečíst si více