Vodatent at Camping Les Bouleaux

The pool

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Přidejte své obchodní údaje

  • Safari stany poblíž Regionálního přírodního parku Severní Vosges
  • Na okraji obce Vilsberg, 55 minut od Štrasburku
  • Bazén, brouzdaliště, restaurace, bar a tématické večeře
French, Dutch, German… and all other nationalities will have a highly convenient time at the Alsace site of Vodatent at Camping Les Bouleaux: its northern France setting is well placed to arrive at from other countries – and to thoroughly explore from when there. Set in the Moelle department on the edge of the village of Vilsberg, the site's about an hour’s drive from the German border (to the north via Hornback and the east via Schweigen-Rechtenbach), about 55 minutes’ drive from Strasbourg and 10 minutes from the swathes of woodland and wetland making up the Northern Vosges Regional Nature Park. And although it’s a few hours’ drive away from their homeland, Dutch visitors very much like this site too: it’s run by a Dutch couple, after all… It’s all mighty convenient on site as well, as everything is already set up for roamers. Accommodation is in safari tents, all with beds, kitchen kit, heating, a verandah and essentials such as a coffee maker… and with car parking alongside each so there’s no staggering about with your gear. Carve out some time too for days on site, for dips in the heated pool by day (a separate pool as well as a play area are available for tiddlers), or with a game table tennis or pétanque. As night falls, the restaurant awaits; if you can only make dinner for one night while here, make it Saturday for one of the theme nights, where Flammkuchen, paella and beef bourguignon evenings are all on offer.

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Pronájem stanu 5
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Malý (1-10 míst)

V okolí

Bar v okolí V blízkosti je možnost procházek se psy


Bezbariérová zařízení


Vodatent at Camping Les Bouleaux

5 Rue des Trois Journeaux






Časová zóna

Europe/Paris SEČ (GMT+01:00)



Upozornění: Veškeré vzdálenosti uvedené na této stránce byly měřeny vzdušnou čarou – zkontrolujte skutečnou vzdálenost v závislosti na způsobu dopravy pomocí tlačítka Trasa.

Místní atrakce

Where to start? Stay close to home or venture further afield from here, potter around France or drive to Germany… and have hikes, vineyard visits and châteaux tours along the way. The site is just outside the southern tip of the Northern Vosges Regional Nature Park, a haven for wildlife watchers (look out for deer, lynxes and many types of bird) and for hiking and cycling; the park is home to over 1,500 kilometres of signposted trails. Château de La Petite-Pierre, the park’s headquarters, is 20 minutes’ drive away; for a more medieval castle, Château de Hohbarr is 25 minutes. Wine? But of course. The Alsace Wine Route is reachable within about 45 minutes from the site: start off at Marlenheim, Marmoutier or Mutzig for a look around the cellars, vineyards and old piles including the former fort of Wilhelm II. If you’re up for a longer drive, Lorraine capital Metz – home to the spectacular Cathedral Saint-Étienne de Metz – is an hour and 15 minutes away and Colmar is an hour and a half. The closest big German city is Stuttgart, two hours and 20 minutes to the east; Switzerland’s Basel is the same distance south.


Platí podmínky - Podrobnosti naleznete v sekci s typem kempovací jednotky


Zatím žádné recenze.

Časté dotazy

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  • Je kemp Vodatent at Camping Les Bouleaux vhodný pro psy? Ano Zobrazit všechny vlastnosti
  • Jaké najdu v okolí kempu Vodatent at Camping Les Bouleaux zajímavosti? Where to start? Stay close to home or venture further afield from here, potter around France or drive to Germany… and have hikes, vineyard visits and châteaux tours along the way. The … Přečíst si více
  • Kdy se můžu v kempu Vodatent at Camping Les Bouleaux ubytovat a kdy zase odhlásit?
    Ubytování na místě
    Příjezd:  15:00 –  18:00
    Odjezd před:  10:00
    Přečíst si více