Benalla Holiday Park

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Je to zdarma, rychlé a snadné!
- Na okraji Benally, dvě hodiny od Melbourne
- Méně než sedum kilometrů od dvou rybářských a plaveckých jezer
- Kuchyně a společné grilování: zásoby koupíte ve městě 2 km odsud
State parks, bushwalking, Victorian vineyards, wetland birdwatching and a motor raceway… and then there's the swimming and boating of two nearby lakes, the Ned Kelly Touring Route close by in town… and marvellous Melbourne just two hours away: all from the beaut setting of Benalla Holiday Park.
Surrounded by parkland and among the scenic countryside of Victoria's High Country region, the site is on the outskirts of the rural town of Benalla, a popular place for Melbournian weekend escapes (or a place to stay before heading to the big city).
Two lakes are close by here for boating and fishing: Lake Benalla, handily placed in the centre of town with the Benalla Botanical Gardens on their shore, and Lake Mokoan seven kilometres north-east. Within 50 kilometres is vast Lake Eildon, which holds up to six times more water than Sydney Harbour.
Back at base, the park has an outdoor pool and a TV room, alongside a launderette and a toilet block. Cook up dinner at the barbecue area or indoors at the campers' kitchen: supplies aplenty can be easily sourced among the several major supermarkets in town.
Typ kempu
Otevřeno po celý rok
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Kempy v okolí, které lze rezervovat na stránkách
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Střední (26-50 míst)V okolí
Bar v okolí V blízkosti je možnost procházek se psyPřístupnost
Bezbariérová zařízeníLokalita
Benalla Holiday Park
115 Sydney Road
Časová zóna
Australia/Melbourne +1100 (GMT+11:00)
Upozornění: Veškeré vzdálenosti uvedené na této stránce byly měřeny vzdušnou čarou – zkontrolujte skutečnou vzdálenost v závislosti na způsobu dopravy pomocí tlačítka Trasa.
Místní atrakce
Head a couple of kilometres into town for such sights as the swish Benalla art gallery, standing on the shore of Lake Benalla; the Benalla Botanical Gardens, and the National Trust sites of Stringybark Creek, the Kelly Gang camp site, and the former Shire Offices in Mair St. A cinema, theatre, golf course and horse racing club are also in town.
Benalla is the closest main settlement to the Winton Motor Raceway, a circuit track that opened in 1961. It's famed throughout Australia for its twisty bends and long fast straights, with 11 turns along a two-kilometre track; the Winton Super Sprint's one of its most popular races, along with one of the races of the Australian Superbike Championship.
The bushwalking, birdwatching and cycling of the Reef Hills State Park are five kilometres from Benalla, and more bird species can be spied in the Winton Wetlands, eight kilometres away. Within day trip distance is the eucalyptus forest of the Mount Samaria State Park, and the swimming, fishing, boating and horse riding trails of Lake Eildon, both within 50 kilometres of the site.
The wineries of the Glenrowan wine region can be reached in about 20 kilometres.
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Časté dotazy
- Nachází se v kempu Benalla Holiday Park bazén? Ano Zobrazit všechny vlastnosti
- Je kemp Benalla Holiday Park vhodný pro psy? Ne Zobrazit všechny vlastnosti
- Jaké najdu v okolí kempu Benalla Holiday Park zajímavosti? Head a couple of kilometres into town for such sights as the swish Benalla art gallery, standing on the shore of Lake Benalla; the Benalla Botanical Gardens, and the National Trust sites … Přečíst si více
- Kdy se můžu v kempu Benalla Holiday Park ubytovat a kdy zase odhlásit?
Kempování a cestování Příjezd: 14:00 – 18:00 Odjezd před: 10:00