Jacaranda Holiday Park

Swimming pool

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Přidejte své obchodní údaje

  • Krajinářský park u řeky a poblíž pláže
  • Poblíž kempu lze provozovat spoustu vodních sportů
  • 2 km od pěších stezek Národního parku Dooragan
Hooray for holidays by the sea... and a special hooray for Jacaranda Holiday Park, in a prime spot by the Pacific Ocean in northern New South Wales. This spacious site is in a green and landscaped park next to Australia's Camden river, about 10 minutes' walk from North Haven beach and town centre, with views towards the river, the ocean and the Dooragan National Park The site has a swimming pool, playground and barbecue area. Facilities include a launderette with washing machines, tumble dryers and iron, and washrooms with disabled access. Surfing, kayaking, sailing, paddleboarding and fishing are available on the coast by the park, and equipment can be hired locally. The Grants Beach Coastal Walk starts from North Haven: an easy but entertaining ramble over three and a half miles to the cliffs at Grants Head, taking you through heathlands, paperbark swamp forest and pockets of rainforest, with the ocean breezes ensuring you never get overheated. Along with opportunities for watersports, boat hire and paragliding, the towns of North Haven and neighbouring Laurieton (10 minutes' drive) are well-stocked with shops and eateries.

Typ kempu

Kempovací místa pro cestovní vozy 23
Kempovací místa pro stany 6
Otevřeno po celý rok
Otevřeno v období

Jazyky, kterými se zde mluví


Kempy v okolí, které lze rezervovat na stránkách Pitchup.com

Bohužel pro vás nemáme v okolí žádná rezervovatelná místa.


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Střední (26-50 míst)

V okolí

Bar v okolí V blízkosti je možnost procházek proíí psy


Bezbariérová zařízení


Jacaranda Holiday Park

85 The Parade

New Haven

Nový Jižní Wales




Časová zóna

Australia/Sydney +1000 (GMT+10:00)



Upozornění: Veškeré vzdálenosti uvedené na této stránce byly měřeny vzdušnou čarou – zkontrolujte skutečnou vzdálenost v závislosti na způsobu dopravy pomocí tlačítka Trasa.

Místní atrakce

It's a walkers' paradise in this part of New South Wales and trails up, down and through the thickly forested slopes of the Dooragan National Park start 10 minutes away in Laurieton: easy rambles and picnic spots with views make great family excursions while the more challenging Laurieton Track through the cloud-formed, subtropical rainforest ends with fab views from the North Brother summit. Wherever New South Wales' wilderness is, there's wildlife and the opportunities for nature-spotting are endless out here. It's a quarter of an hour's drive to the remote Kattang Nature Reserve, a clifftop peninsula home to wildflowers and an array of avian wonders, with dolphins and whales spottable from the headlands. For a different experience of this diverse landscape, head half an hour to the Sea Acres Nature Reserve for rainforest boardwalks and bushtucker tours, looking out for scarlet robins, goannas and diamond pythons. For rather more cuddly encounters, it's the same distance to the Koala Hospital in Port Macquarie and boats leave the harbour here for close-up meets with the dolphins and whales on the Pacific waves. For another kind of biodiversity altogether, the Hastings River, winding its way inland from Port Macquarie has provided lush turf for winemakers since the middle of the 19th century and renowned wineries such as Bago, Cassegrain and Douglas Vale are all within a half-hour drive from the park.


Platí podmínky - Podrobnosti naleznete v sekci s typem kempovací jednotky


Zatím žádné recenze.

Časté dotazy

  • Nachází se v kempu Jacaranda Holiday Park bazén? Ano Zobrazit všechny vlastnosti
  • Je kemp Jacaranda Holiday Park vhodný pro psy? Ne Zobrazit všechny vlastnosti
  • Jaké najdu v okolí kempu Jacaranda Holiday Park zajímavosti? It's a walkers' paradise in this part of New South Wales and trails up, down and through the thickly forested slopes of the Dooragan National Park start 10 minutes away in Laurieton: … Přečíst si více
  • Kdy se můžu v kempu Jacaranda Holiday Park ubytovat a kdy zase odhlásit?
    Kempování a cestování
    Příjezd:  14:00 –  18:00
    Odjezd před:  10:00
    Ubytování na místě
    Příjezd:  Kdykoli –  Kdykoli
    Odjezd před:  Kdykoli
    Přečíst si více