Mawgan Porth Holiday Park

The Park Cafe serves local, organic and seasonal menus

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Welcome to our Cornish resort..............The Park style! ‘Indulge in some serious camping opulence!’ The Yurt village, 1950's retro airstream caravans, summerhouses and static caravan selection offers you a chance to immerse yourself in some Glamping opulence that's not going to cost you the earth... Whether you're planning a romantic getaway or action-packed weekend of outdoor adventure, The Park at Mawgan Porth is the perfect place for your next getaway. Tucked away in a wonderfully romantic setting just a short walk from the stunning golden sands of Mawgan Porth Beach, it's hard to beat this idyllic location. The Setting On a sunny, south-facing hillside behind Mawgan Porth beach on the north Cornwall coast, The Park is a collection of eco-friendly self-catering places to stay. Technically a holiday park, conceptually something else altogether, the 27-acre site has something to suit everyone: there’s a clutch of retro 1950s airstreams and a yurt village for glampers, lovely static caravans (yes, really), and for those who prefer four walls and a proper roof, there are eco terraces, detached cottages and lodges. The site has a villagey feel, with gravel lanes, well-kept borders and gardens separating the various plots, all centred around the fabulous Park Café. A glimpse inside one of the eco-lodges Goose-bumpy beautiful – colourful, creative, and photo-perfect from every angle: a bespoke reclaimed wood bed, peonies on pink shelves, a beautiful patchwork quilt thrown artfully over an armchair, a wood-burner for those holidaying out of season … and a hot-tub on the deck to enjoy the natural world around you. The Food Life at The Park revolves around the café, a raised, contemporary building – all wood and glass – with a sloping roof and airy Scandinavian-style interiors with mismatched upcycled furniture – the owner’s wife ransacked second-hand shops around the country to furnish the café. It’s incredibly laidback, the sort of space you’ll long to linger in, with a gentle buzz created by the endlessly cheerful staff and the bustle in the kitchen. A blackboard propped on a chair by the doorway invites you to pick your own gooseberries, rhubarb, salad leaves and herbs from the site’s various vegetable patches. A selection of freshly-made cakes sat on Victorian glass cakestands, homemade artisan breads filled wicker baskets. The weekly menu chalked up on the blackboard – local mussels, smoked mackerel, roasted scallops with chilli and coriander. The Activities Well, for starters, you’ve got Mawgan Porth’s golden sands at the end of the road, with watersports centres just off the beach if you’re interested in hiring a surf, kite or paddle board. Watergate Bay, a little further down the coast, has more hire options. The South West Coast Path runs for miles in both directions – for a good day’s walk, follow it north to Constantine Bay (6 miles each way, or catch bus number 556 back). If you wake up to lashing rain and you want to stick closer to home, you can take comfort in the fact that there are lots of things to do onsite too. There’s the leisure centre with indoor pool, sauna and steam room, the conservation area with walkways through areas of wildflowers and plants, and a soft play yurt for tots. The Green Green is big business at The Park. Many of the lodges have solar panels providing hot water and electricity, and everything is built with the environment in mind: recycled furniture, FSC- approved wood, super insulation and airsource heat pumps to help with heating in winter. The café uses eggs from the hens that live onsite, fruit and veg from their allotments, and everything else is local and seasonal. These are the specifics, but it's the ethos here that really captivates: being mindful of the environment is second nature to Philip and his team – and it will rub off on you. Top Tip Stay for a week and don't touch the car. Why would you – you’ve got everything you could possibly want from a week in Cornwall on your doorstep. Take a dip in the pool before breakfast, head to the café for poached eggs or a big bowl of homemade muesli and berries, then pack your beach things and head to the sea for the day. Return for dinner in the café. Repeat six times. The Verdict The Park emanates happiness – you can see it in the staff, the food, and in the faces of the guests as they arrive with their flocks of excited children. A fun, colourful, vibrant and unusual place to stay.

Typ kempu

Pronájem stanu 4
Boudy, pody, chalupy a chaty 20
Pronájem karavanů 10
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Bohužel pro vás nemáme v okolí žádná rezervovatelná místa.

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Volnočasové aktivity na místě

Bar nebo klub Dětský klub Fitcentrum Herna Hřiště Jídlo s sebou Krytý bazén Půjčování kol Restaurace/kavárna na místě Rybaření TV místnost Tenisový kurt Venkovní bazén Večerní zábava Vodní sporty Vířivka

Vybavení na místě

Internet Kompostovací toaleta Mrazicí sáčky k dispozici Obchod s potravinami Parkovací místo u kempovacího místa/jednotky Prostor pro mytí nádobí Prádelna Přenosná toaleta Sprcha k dispozici Sušárna Toalety Umývárna dětí Vana k dispozici Veřejné toalety Veřejný telefon Vyzvednutí z letiště Výběh pro psy WiFi WiFi zdarma

Vhodné pro skupiny

Skupiny jednoho pohlaví vítány Studenstské pobyty vítány Vhodné pro motocykly Vhodné pro rodinný pobyt


Grilování povoleno Komerční vozidla povolena Místo pro grilování k dispozici Psi povoleni Psi povoleni po celý rok Táborák povolen


Klidné prostředí Luxus Působivé scenérie Ráj milovníků pěší chůze


Chemický záchod Dobíjecí zařízení Místo pro nabíjení elektromobilu Obnovitelné zdroje energie Plynové lahve k dispozici Třídění odpadu

V okolí

Bar v okolí V blízkosti je možnost procházek se psy


Bezbariérová zařízení

Volnočasové aktivity v okolí

Golfové hřiště v okolí Krytý bazén poblíž Možnost jízdy na kole poblíž Možnost jízdy na koni pobliž Možnost lezectví poblíž Možnost plachtění poblíž Možnost projížďky kánoí/kajakem poblíž Půjčování kol poblíž Restaurace poblíž Rybaření v okolí Tenisový kurt poblíž Trasy pro horská kola v okolí Venkovní bazén v okolí Vodní sporty v okolí Zábavní/tematický park v okolí Škola surfování poblíž


Mawgan Porth Holiday Park

Mawgan Porth






Časová zóna

Europe/London +0000 (GMT+00:00)



Směr trasy

Directions:Mawgan Porth is 7 miles from Newquay. On the A30 near Indian Queens turn onto the A39 at the Highgate Hill roundabout. Proceed on the A39 north and continue on the A39 across the 1st roundabout. Continue on the A39 and at the 2nd roundabout (Trekenning roundabout) take the first left onto the A3059 (signposted for Newquay). After about 2 miles turn right, signposted to Watergate Bay and Mawgan Porth. Continue on this road until a junction and here turn right onto the B3276 (signposted to Padstow and Mawgan Porth). Follow this road to Mawgan Porth

Nejbližší doprava

5,4 km Shop Corner
5,5 km Porth Four Turns
7,1 km Bus Station
6,5 km Newquay Rail Station
6,7 km Quintrell Downs Rail Station
9,5 km St Columb Road Rail Station
10,8 km Padstow Ferry Landing
11,5 km Rock Padstow Ferry Landing
26,9 km Tolverne Ferry Landing
2,4 km Newquay St Mawgan Airport

Upozornění: Veškeré vzdálenosti uvedené na této stránce byly měřeny vzdušnou čarou – zkontrolujte skutečnou vzdálenost v závislosti na způsobu dopravy pomocí tlačítka Trasa.

Místní atrakce

Activities at The Park, Mawgan Porth The Park has a wide variety of activities for all ages to enjoy. North Cornwall offers an easily accessible escape for the whole family at any time of year. This is even more so for families with younger children who can visit outside of the main school holidays - you get to enjoy all that Cornwall has to offer at a time when the beaches are less crowded, queues to the homemade ice-cream stand is shorter and prices are generally more competitive. There is an absolute wealth of activities and things to do at The Park, and not just for the children… Outdoor Facilities Include: Heated Outdoor Pool with kids pirate ship play area Outdoor play space including trampoline and swings Adventure playground including Kids Yurt Tennis courts only 50 meters away 9-Hole approach golf course only 100 meters away Coarse fishing lakes only 200 meters away Horse riding on the beach Picnic areas on site Woodland walks and Nature Trails Indoor Facilities Include: Heated Leisure Pool with separate baby pool Sauna and steam room Spa treatment facilities on-site (enjoy a massage in the comfort of your accommodation) Sun deck The Park Café: The Park’s very own Café restaurant makes it easy to get a taste of the region’s local produce, with our friendly team offering a fabulous choice of delicious home cooked meals. Free wi-fi access is offered, so catch up with friends whilst the little ones enjoy the play-corner or enjoy a barista coffee on the terrace where kids are free to explore chalk arts, table tennis or an imaginary game of ships-n-pirates. Local attractions: The Park enjoys the envious location of being close to a multitude of attractions including: Eden Project · Purchase of tickets allows you unlimited return access for ONE YEAR Newquay Zoo and animal wildlife park Padstow Lobster Hatchery · Purchase of tickets allows you unlimited return access for ONE YEAR Newquay Marine Aquarium Crealy Adventure Park Dairyland Farm World

Kvalita vody v okolních koupalištích

Jméno Vzdálenost Typ 2020201920182017
Mawgan Porth 0,6 km Moře Není k dispoziciSkvěláSkvěláSkvělá
Watergate Bay 2,5 km Moře Není k dispoziciSkvěláSkvěláSkvělá
Porth 4,9 km Moře DobráNení k dispoziciNení k dispoziciNení k dispozici
Porthcothan 5 km Moře Není k dispoziciSkvěláSkvěláSkvělá
Lusty Glaze 5,4 km Moře Není k dispoziciSkvěláSkvěláSkvělá

Zdroj údajů: Evropská agentura pro životní prostředí

To musíte vidět

Newquay Zoo 6,6 km

Blue Reef Aquarium 6,8 km

Fistral Beach 7,1 km

Cornwall's Crealy Great Adventure Park 7,4 km

Lappa Valley Steam Railway 10,8 km

National Trust – Spolek pro kulturní a památkovou péči

Carnewas and Bedruthan Steps 1,8 km

Trerice 8,8 km

Trelissick Garden 27,5 km

Tintagel Old Post Office 29,4 km

Cornish Mines and Engines 31,3 km

Cyklistické trasy

Najděte místní trasy v národní síti cyklotras - více než 19 000 km cyklistických tras.


Bedruthen Steps and Park Head 2 km

Newquay - River Gannel - Crantock - Polly Joke - Newquay 7,4 km

Harlyn and Constantine Bays 8,7 km

Trevone Bay - Constantine Bay - South West Coastal Path 9,6 km

Padstow and the South-West Coast Path 10,5 km

Události v okolí

  • Boardmasters středa 6. srpna 2025 – středa 6. srpna 2025)

    Newquay, Anglie 3,3 km

  • Eden Sessions čtvrtek 12. června 2025 – čtvrtek 12. června 2025)

    Par, Anglie 23,2 km

Upozornění: Veškeré vzdálenosti uvedené na této stránce byly měřeny vzdušnou čarou – zkontrolujte skutečnou vzdálenost v závislosti na způsobu dopravy pomocí tlačítka Trasa.


Platí podmínky - Podrobnosti naleznete v sekci s typem kempovací jednotky


Zatím žádné recenze.

Časté dotazy

  • Nachází se v kempu Mawgan Porth Holiday Park bazén? Ano Zobrazit všechny vlastnosti
  • Je kemp Mawgan Porth Holiday Park vhodný pro psy? Ano Zobrazit všechny vlastnosti
  • Jaké najdu v okolí kempu Mawgan Porth Holiday Park zajímavosti? Activities at The Park, Mawgan Porth The Park has a wide variety of activities for all ages to enjoy. North Cornwall offers an easily accessible escape for the whole family at any … Přečíst si více
  • Kdy se můžu v kempu Mawgan Porth Holiday Park ubytovat a kdy zase odhlásit?
    Ubytování na místě
    Příjezd:  16:00 –  Kdykoli
    Odjezd před:  10:00
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