Warden Springs Holiday Park


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Don’t stress that you might be stranded with nothing to do on the Isle of Sheppey in north Kent… the site of Warden Springs on the island will capture your interest with heaps of on-site activities for all ages – and is a short drive from the new bridge over the Swale for easily exploring the rest of the county. Rest, relax or explore at this Spreyer Holidays site: Warden Springs is surrounded by countryside and woodland (and comes with smashing sea views), set about a mile from the award-winning pebble beach at Leysdown with coastal park and nature reserve beyond. The outdoor pool on site will keep the kids happy while the bigger folks lounge on the sun terrace opposite, and small guests should show more than a flicker of interest at the many activities laid on for them during the day. Plenty of other pursuits are run all day long for the rest of the family; check with the entertainment team when you arrive to see what’s on, when and where. Peak season and bank holidays see leisurely evening entertainment at the Waterside Tavern, with a more restful programme of events available at other times. Alongside the tavern, the Waterside restaurant and takeaway serves a good selection of family-friendly meals and snacks from 9am until late.

Typ kempu

Kempovací místa pro stany 20
Kempovací místa pro cestovní vozy 20
Kempovací místa pro obytné automobily 20
Pronájem karavanů 15
Otevřeno v období

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Sezónní kempovací místa


Warden Springs Holiday Park

Thorn Hill Road

Warden Point

Ostrov Sheppey



ME12 4HF


Časová zóna

Europe/London +0000 (GMT+00:00)



Nejbližší doprava

16,3 km Bus Depot
16,4 km Bus Depot
18,9 km Travel Centre
10,3 km Sheerness-on-Sea Rail Station
10,4 km Queenborough Rail Station
10,8 km Teynham Rail Station
24,3 km Burnham on Crouch Ferry Landing
24,6 km Wallasea Island Ferry Landing
37,1 km Ramsgate Ferry Terminal
22,1 km London Southend Airport
32,8 km Kent International Airport

Upozornění: Veškeré vzdálenosti uvedené na této stránce byly měřeny vzdušnou čarou – zkontrolujte skutečnou vzdálenost v závislosti na způsobu dopravy pomocí tlačítka Trasa.

Místní atrakce

All the Swale is a National Nature Reserve, Special Protection Area and Site of Special Scientific Interest; so as you might deduce, rich sightings abound around here for naturalists and birdwatchers, like rare butterflies and moths, unusual flora, and flocks of wading birds such as avocets, oystercatchers and the country’s biggest collection of marsh harriers. One of the best spots to spy the bird population on Sheppey is from the viewing platform at Capel Fleet, part of the RSPB reserve at Elmley Marshes. Beachwise, both Leysdown and Sheppey’s main beach at Sheerness are popular with families and both have received Blue Flag awards. The seaside port of Sheerness has quite a bit to do off the sand, such as checking out the history of the area at the both the Blue Town and Sheerness heritage centres, telling the tale of the days when Sheerness was a busy port and a base for the Royal Navy. Minster Abbey, along the coast to the west, has been an essential Sheppey site since the seventh century and has a varied collection of artefacts from the ages, such as the famous de Northwode brasses and armour dating from the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries. Going into Kent itself, the ‘garden of England’ is blossoming with piles more stuff to see and do: visit the open-air Museum of Kent Life in Maidstone for a refreshing day with the kids, keep them sweet with the jam-making ingredients at Brogdale Farm, or dive into the area’s maritime history at historic Chatham Dockyard (Dickens World is at the dockyard too for those who like to leaf through Kent’s literary heritage). Twelfth century Rochester Castle and absolutely fabulous Leeds Castle with its 500 acres of parkland and formal gardens are popular Kent pulls for visitors, as are the gardens at Sissinghurst Castle, former home of Vita Sackville-West. The fishing – and oyster – town of Whitstable is about three miles over the Swale and well worth a visit to sample its most famous produce; from here, it’s a short drive to the seaside and watersports of Herne Bay or the spectacular sights of historic Canterbury. The Canterbury Heritage Museum, in a twelfth century former hospital in Stour Street, still has its medieval beamed roofs alongside troves of local treasure starting from Anglo-Saxon times. Speaking of which, childish occupations are also plentiful in Kent: the 450 acres of country park at The Hop Farm have funfair rides, magic castle and giant pillows to bounce around on, and all ages should dig getting down and dirty at Diggerland, where kids and adults can take a turn driving full-size construction machinery – but do let the offspring have their turn too…

Kvalita vody v okolních koupalištích

Jméno Vzdálenost Typ 2020201920182017
Leysdown 2 km Moře Není k dispoziciSkvěláDobráSkvělá
Minster Leas 6,9 km Ústí řeky Není k dispoziciSkvěláSkvěláSkvělá
West Beach, Whitstable 10,1 km Moře Není k dispoziciDobráDobráDobrá
Sheerness 10,2 km Ústí řeky Není k dispoziciSkvěláSkvěláSkvělá
Tankerton 11,4 km Moře Není k dispoziciSkvěláSkvěláSkvělá

Zdroj údajů: Evropská agentura pro životní prostředí

To musíte vidět

Whitstable Museum and Art Gallery 10,7 km

West Gate Towers Museum 19,1 km

Canterbury Heritage Museum 19,3 km

Canterbury Tales 19,4 km

Canterbury Roman Museum 19,5 km

National Trust – Spolek pro kulturní a památkovou péči

Stoneacre 28,7 km

Cobham Wood and Mausoleum 33,9 km

Owletts 34,9 km

Sissinghurst Castle Garden 40,6 km

The White Cliffs of Dover 43,7 km

Cyklistické trasy

Najděte místní trasy v národní síti cyklotras - více než 19 000 km cyklistických tras.






LEES COURT 16,1 km

Upozornění: Veškeré vzdálenosti uvedené na této stránce byly měřeny vzdušnou čarou – zkontrolujte skutečnou vzdálenost v závislosti na způsobu dopravy pomocí tlačítka Trasa.


Platí podmínky - Podrobnosti naleznete v sekci s typem kempovací jednotky


Zatím žádné recenze.

Časté dotazy

  • Nachází se v kempu Warden Springs Holiday Park bazén? Ano Zobrazit všechny vlastnosti
  • Je kemp Warden Springs Holiday Park vhodný pro psy? Ano Zobrazit všechny vlastnosti
  • Jaké najdu v okolí kempu Warden Springs Holiday Park zajímavosti? All the Swale is a National Nature Reserve, Special Protection Area and Site of Special Scientific Interest; so as you might deduce, rich sightings abound around here for naturalists and birdwatchers, like … Přečíst si více
  • Kdy se můžu v kempu Warden Springs Holiday Park ubytovat a kdy zase odhlásit?
    Kempování a cestování
    Příjezd:  12:00 –  22:00
    Odjezd před:  10:00
    Ubytování na místě
    Příjezd:  13:30 –  18:00
    Odjezd před:  10:00

    Reception is unmanned after 6pm. Please call using the number in the confirmation email if you are arriving later.

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