Herdwick Croft

Our park

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You don’t have to be Wordsworth to know that most Lake District views are going to be really rather spesh. But it’s not often you get to camp a mere 50 yards from one of its most scenic lakes… Pitches at small and secluded Herdwick Croft, eight miles from Keswick, are on the edge of beaut Bassenthwaite Lake, one of the biggest bodies of water in the Lake District. All you have to do is pack a book/picnic, bumble over the bridge and sink at the edge of the lake drinking in the views and soaking up the sun. (Soz, we get a bit lyrical when writing about the Lake District.) If you’re feeling more active, Bassenthwaite is also popular with windsurfers, canoeists and sailors; hire or launch a dinghy from Bassenthwaite Sailing Club a mile from Herdwick. Or remain in a contemplative mood and cast off for pike, roach, perch and eels from lakeside or boat. Too chilled out even for that? Herdwick Croft has a river running through it to cast off at too. Aside from the lake, the views at Herdwick are pretty heady, looking over the fells of Skiddaw, Binsey and glorious sunsets to the west, and Whinlatter Forest in front and to the east. The site is surrounded by woodland, countryside and local wildlife – look out for the ospreys and herons; flocks of both live nearby and the heronry is viewable from the park. Walks of all levels start from here too; we recommend starting off with one to award-winning pub The Pheasant, about 20 minutes’ stroll away. Although a small site, Herdwick Croft comes well equipped: facilities for guests include a launderette, electric hook-up, loos, showers and chemical/water waste disposal. Well-behaved children and dogs are welcome.

Typ kempu

Kempovací místa pro stany 15
Kempovací místa pro cestovní vozy 20
Kempovací místa pro obytné automobily 20
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Herdwick Croft

Bassenthwaite Lake




CA12 4RD


Časová zóna

Europe/London +0000 (GMT+00:00)



Směr trasy

From the M6 Turn off at Penrith (Junction 40), then head along the A66 towards Keswick. Go past the Keswick turn-off and continue along the A66 towards Cockermouth for about six miles. You will see Bassenthwaite Lake on your right and you will pass through a winding dual carriageway. On the exit of the dual carriageway after 1/2 mile there is a turning right towards Bothel. Follow the signs for The Castle Inn (right again) and when you reach the small bridge over the River Derwent, cross over and Herdwick Croft is immediately in front of you. From the South Lakes Drop down into Keswick but turn right when you see the signs for Penrith. Go up the hill then bear left following the signs for Cockermouth. Follow the A66 towards Cockermouth. After five miles you will see Bassenthwaite Lake on your right and you will pass through a winding dual carriageway. On the exit of the dual carriageway after 1/2 mile there is a turning right towards Bothel. Follow the signs for The Castle Inn (right again) and when you reach the small bridge over the River Derwent, cross over and Herdwick Croft is immediately in front of you.

Nejbližší doprava

8,4 km Gallowbarrow
8,4 km Fairfield Junior School
10,7 km Bus Station
10,7 km Aspatria Rail Station
16,7 km Maryport Rail Station
17,5 km Wigton Rail Station
10,8 km Nichol End (Derwentwater) Ferry Landing
11,3 km Keswick Ferry Landing
12 km Hawes End Derwentwater Ferry Landing

Upozornění: Veškeré vzdálenosti uvedené na této stránce byly měřeny vzdušnou čarou – zkontrolujte skutečnou vzdálenost v závislosti na způsobu dopravy pomocí tlačítka Trasa.

Místní atrakce

No need to travel far to access fathoms of Lake District things to see and do from Herdwick Croft: climbing Skiddaw and many varied walks for all abilities of the Northern Fells (three miles); Wordsworth’s birth town Cockermouth (five miles), and Keswick on Derwentwater (eight miles). Even closer to home, a fitness centre with indoor pool is a mere mile away and Cockermouth Golf Course within two miles. The mountain bike trails of Whinlatter Forest, the longest purpose-built trails in the Lake District, are five miles away and have a cycle shop at the trail head with bike maintenance and bike hire. You can also hire a helmet cam to film and later upload to YouTube your entire wobbly journey; we think that sounds like a hoot. Nearby Grizedale Forest is probably better for younger or less experienced mountain riders, or stick to two feet at Whinlatter and take one of the many waymarked trails to spot red squirrels, eye up Bassenthwaite Lake again or orienteer towards Revelin Moss (the Revelin Moss paths are wheelchair and pushchair accessible). Bassenthwaite Lake ospreys can be peeked at from here too via the Whinlatter Forest CCTV. The area around Herdwick Croft is filled with family attractions: Lakeland Wildlife Oasis mixes wildlife and interactive displays to cover 300 million years of beastly history; there's a working farm at Lakeland Maze and Farm Park, and quacking about at Ducky's Park Farm with giant indoor play area. Further afield but still within easy driving distance are the many widths and depths of Lake District highlights: scaling Scafell Pike, steaming along by boat or train, museums, Ice Age caverns, Roman forts, crashing waterfalls, old villages, historic houses... If it’s difficult to fathom just how to spend your time, start off at Windermere’s impressive Lake District Visitor Centre, where you can read your newly acquired info in the café overlooking the lake, put the kids on ponies, visit the award-winning gardens, or swing around among the trees.

Kvalita vody v okolních koupalištích

Jméno Vzdálenost Typ 2020201920182017
Allonby 15,9 km Moře Není k dispoziciDobráDobráDobrá
St Bees 31,6 km Moře Není k dispoziciSkvěláSkvěláSkvělá
Southerness 31,7 km Moře Není k dispoziciDobráDobráSkvělá
Seascale 35,3 km Moře Není k dispoziciDobráDobráDobrá
Sandyhills 38,2 km Moře Není k dispoziciNení k dispoziciNízkáNízká

Zdroj údajů: Evropská agentura pro životní prostředí

To musíte vidět

Mirehouse Historic House and Gardens 5,2 km

Whinlatter Forest & Visitor Centre 8,4 km

Castlerigg Stone Circle 12,4 km

Ullswater Steamers 24,3 km

Dalemain Historic House & Gardens 27,8 km

National Trust – Spolek pro kulturní a památkovou péči

Wordsworth House and Garden 8,4 km

Buttermere and Ennerdale 24,9 km

Wasdale, Eskdale and Duddon 29,2 km

Grasmere and Great Langdale 30,2 km

Coniston and Tarn Hows 35,8 km

Cyklistické trasy

Najděte místní trasy v národní síti cyklotras - více než 19 000 km cyklistických tras.


Ullock Pike - Longside Edge - Skiddaw 4,3 km

Bassenthwaite Osprey Walk 5,3 km

Dodd Wood under Ullock Pike 5,3 km

Cockermouth - River Cocker 7,9 km

Braithwaite, Stair and Newlands Beck 9 km

Události v okolí

  • Kendal Calling čtvrtek 31. července 2025 – čtvrtek 31. července 2025)

    Penrith, Anglie 34,8 km

Upozornění: Veškeré vzdálenosti uvedené na této stránce byly měřeny vzdušnou čarou – zkontrolujte skutečnou vzdálenost v závislosti na způsobu dopravy pomocí tlačítka Trasa.


Platí podmínky - Podrobnosti naleznete v sekci s typem kempovací jednotky


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Časté dotazy

  • Nachází se v kempu Herdwick Croft bazén? Ne Zobrazit všechny vlastnosti
  • Je kemp Herdwick Croft vhodný pro psy? Ano Zobrazit všechny vlastnosti
  • Jaké najdu v okolí kempu Herdwick Croft zajímavosti? No need to travel far to access fathoms of Lake District things to see and do from Herdwick Croft: climbing Skiddaw and many varied walks for all abilities of the Northern Fells … Přečíst si více
  • Kdy se můžu v kempu Herdwick Croft ubytovat a kdy zase odhlásit?

    From 12.30pm

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