Deepdale Camping & Rooms

We love our friendly VW campervan visitors

Tento kemp momentálně nepřijímá rezervace prostřednictvím

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Je to zdarma, rychlé a snadné!

Přidejte své obchodní údaje

Deepdale Camping is a quiet, family-friendly campsite located by the sea in the beautiful North Norfolk countryside. We have 75 pitches suitable for tents, campervans and small motor homes (sorry, no caravans!) set in 5 well-maintained grassy paddocks, with a mix of standard and larger pitches. We are currently investing in brand new facilities for 2017, including 16 amp electric hook-up connections, chemical toilet disposal and additional toilet and shower blocks, together with enhanced hedging and landscaping for the paddocks. The campsite is open all year round, and the great new team in our Visitor Information Centre are there to help with every aspect of your stay with us; from enquiries and bookings, to welcoming you on arrival, helping answer any queries you may have, and providing you with helpful and knowledgeable advice on the local area to help you decide what to see and do during your stay. We have a well-stocked camping shop for essentials you might need, and a range of replacement gas bottles should you run out. There is Free Wifi on site to help you remain connected to the wider world should you wish, together with mobile device charging facilities, laundry and drying and modern toilets and showers, all powered by 100% renewables-generated electricity. - Choice of standard or larger pitches - Electric hook-ups * - Chemical disposal point * - Free Wifi - Laundry - Visitor information centre - Camp shop - Bike hire - Payphone - Coasthopper bus service - Café - Supermarket for groceries - Various independent retailers & weekly pop-up shops - Petrol station - Luggage storage * New for 2017 Please do understand we are a quiet campsite, and so if you are looking for a party site, this isn't the place for you. We do have a strict 'no noise' policy after 10pm in the evening to ensure everyone can enjoy the relaxed and peaceful atmosphere of Deepdale to the full. We don't accept bookings for groups of 3 or more pitches, and we have a maximum number of people per pitch of 6, to ensure the facilities do not become over-crowded. Dogs are very welcome, as long as they are kept on a short lead at all times while on the campsite, and it remains owners' responsibility to clear up any mess (we stock bio-degradable dog waste bags in the Information Centre). Where possible we have used green technologies to reduce our environmental impact. 100% of our electricity is generated from renewable sources; the campsite is accessible via public transport using train services to and from King's Lynn and the Coasthopper bus service, and we are currently investing in electric car-charging points. Deepdale Café is located next door serving fantastic breakfasts, lunches and snacks throughout the day, using local producers and suppliers wherever possible. Dalegate Market has a range of shops including a supermarket for groceries and provisions, permanent shops open throughout the year, and pop up shops that change weekly. The village has two great pubs, The Jolly Sailors and The White Horse, both within walking distance and serving locally produced ales and home cooked food. The campsite is open all year round, including Christmas and New Year, so whether in Winter or Summer, Spring or Autumn, your stay at Deepdale is a unique opportunity.

Typ kempu

Kempovací místa pro stany 40
Kempovací místa pro obytné automobily 40
Boudy, pody, chalupy a chaty 12
Otevřeno po celý rok
Otevřeno v období

Hodnocení spolku turistů

Jazyky, kterými se zde mluví


AA 4 pennants

Kempy v okolí, které lze rezervovat na stránkách

Bohužel pro vás nemáme v okolí žádná rezervovatelná místa.

Chcete se o kempování v Norfolk dozvědět více?


Volnočasové aktivity na místě

Bar nebo klub Dětský klub Fitcentrum Herna Hřiště Jídlo s sebou Krytý bazén Půjčování kol Restaurace/kavárna na místě Rybaření TV místnost Tenisový kurt Venkovní bazén Večerní zábava Vodní sporty

Vybavení na místě

Internet Kompostovací toaleta Mrazicí sáčky k dispozici Obchod s potravinami Parkovací místo u kempovacího místa/jednotky Prostor pro mytí nádobí Prádelna Přenosná toaleta Sprcha k dispozici Sušárna Toalety Umývárna dětí Vana k dispozici Veřejné toalety Veřejný telefon Vyzvednutí z letiště Výběh pro psy WiFi WiFi zdarma

Vhodné pro skupiny

Skupiny jednoho pohlaví vítány Studenstské pobyty vítány Vhodné pro motocykly Vhodné pro rodinný pobyt Školní výlety


Grilování povoleno Komerční vozidla povolena Místo pro grilování k dispozici Psi povoleni Psi povoleni po celý rok Táborák povolen

Camping 2.0

Místo pro extra velký stan


Klidné prostředí Luxus Přírodní ráj Působivé scenérie Ráj milovníků pěší chůze Úsporné/pro turisty s batohem


Chemický záchod Dobíjecí zařízení Místo pro nabíjení elektromobilu Obnovitelné zdroje energie Plynové lahve k dispozici Třídění odpadu


Farma Veliký (51-200 míst)

V okolí

Bar v okolí Farmářské trhy v okolí Hromadná doprava poblíž Obchod poblíž V blízkosti je možnost procházek se psy


Bezbariérová zařízení

Volnočasové aktivity v okolí

Golfové hřiště v okolí Krytý bazén poblíž Možnost jízdy na kole poblíž Možnost jízdy na koni pobliž Možnost plachtění poblíž Možnost projížďky kánoí/kajakem poblíž Půjčování kol poblíž Restaurace poblíž Rybaření v okolí Tenisový kurt poblíž Venkovní bazén v okolí Vodní sporty v okolí Zábavní/tematický park v okolí Škola surfování poblíž

Karavany a obytné automobily

Připojení k odpadu pro karavany Přípojka na vodu pro karavany Servis karavanů na místě


Deepdale Camping & Rooms

Deepdale Farm

Burnham Deepdale



PE31 8DD


Časová zóna

Europe/London +0000 (GMT+00:00)



Směr trasy

Coasthopper Bus Service The Coasthopper Bus Service stops at Deepdale Backpackers & Camping and is a brilliant service, running approximately every 1/2 an hour during the Summer and every hour during the Winter. The service runs both East and West along the North Norfolk Coast, stopping in most villages including King's Lynn, Hunstanton, Burnham Market, Blakeney, Sheringham and Cromer. More information on the service can be found at Trains The nearest train station is King's Lynn, which has direct trains from Cambridge and London King's Cross. By changing at Ely and Cambridge you can also catch trains from Stansted Airport, Peterborough and further afield. There is also a station at Sheringham, which has trains to Norwich. The Coasthopper bus service connects with trains at both King's Lynn and Sheringham. Although there are occasional restrictions, you can normally bring your bike on the train. National Coaches The nearest national coach station is King's Lynn, which has direct national coaches from Birmingham, Coventry and Leicester, and connects with buses from London at Peterborough. The Coasthopper bus service connects with trains at both King's Lynn and Sheringham. If you are cyclist, then trains are the best option, as you can only put folding bikes on national coaches. Norfolk Coast Path The Norfolk Coast Path heads both East and West along the North Norfolk Coast and can be accessed down the lane opposite Dalegate Market (next door). The path offers wonderful walking along sea walls, across boardwalks and beaches. You can link up with the Coasthopper at many points along the path. More information on the path can be found at Cycling Most of the A149 coast road is ok to cycle and there are lots of quiet country lanes inland. From the East (Burnham Market direction), the easiest route is over Whiteway Road. From the West (Docking & King's Lynn direction), the easiest route is down Dalegate Lane. National Cycle Route No1 passes a couple of miles inland. Remember you can hire bikes from Deepdale Bike Hire. Driving Naturally we'd encourage you to visit by public transport, walking or cycling, but car drivers are very welcome too. We're approximately half way between Hunstanton and Wells-next-the-Sea on A149 coast road. For your satnav our postcode is PE31 8DD Flying Our nearest airport is Norwich. KLM fly into Norwich from around the world via Schipol Airport, Amsterdam. Flybe fly into Norwich from destinations across the UK and Europe, including Paris, Exeter and Edinburgh. For the major London airports, Stansted, Heathrow, Gatwick and Luton, there are train and national coach services.

Nejbližší doprava

30,1 km Church
30,3 km Bus Station
30,6 km Coach Station
30,2 km Kings Lynn Rail Station
30,7 km Skegness Rail Station
32,2 km Havenhouse Rail Station
30,6 km King's Lynn Ferry Landing
30,6 km West Lynn Ferry Landing

Upozornění: Veškeré vzdálenosti uvedené na této stránce byly měřeny vzdušnou čarou – zkontrolujte skutečnou vzdálenost v závislosti na způsobu dopravy pomocí tlačítka Trasa.

Místní atrakce

The campsite is located in the village of Burnham Deepdale, on the beautiful North Norfolk Coast, a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty; the saltmarshes are spectacular; there is wonderful walking right on the doorstep, with abundant bird and wild life; the big open skies are breathtaking (with our night skies truly awe inspiring!); the Coasthopper bus, which stops at the campsite, will help you explore the entire North Norfolk coastline from King's Lynn to Cromer; bike hire is available on-site with nearby access to the National Cycle Network at Burnham Market. The North Norfolk Coast is an outdoor enthusiasts' paradise offering watersports and outdoor activities of every sort, beautiful beaches and historical buildings, so you can be as active as you want. Of course you might just like to chill out and relax on the campsite or try one of our superb local pubs serving local beers and excellent seafood.

Kvalita vody v okolních koupalištích

Jméno Vzdálenost Typ 2020201920182017
Wells 11,1 km Ústí řeky Není k dispoziciNení k dispoziciNení k dispoziciDobrá
Hunstanton (Old Hunstanton) 12,6 km Moře Není k dispoziciDobráDobráDobrá
Hunstanton Main Beach 13,8 km Moře NízkáNení k dispoziciNení k dispoziciNení k dispozici
Heacham 15,6 km Moře NízkáNení k dispoziciNení k dispoziciNení k dispozici
Skegness 29,9 km Moře Není k dispoziciSkvěláSkvěláSkvělá

Zdroj údajů: Evropská agentura pro životní prostředí

To musíte vidět

Holkham Hall 8,2 km

Shrine of our Lady of Walsingham 15 km

Houghton Hall 15,6 km

Sandringham 19,2 km

Castle Acre Castle 29 km

National Trust – Spolek pro kulturní a památkovou péči

Brancaster 1,3 km

Blakeney National Nature Reserve 20,2 km

St George's Guildhall 30,5 km

Sheringham Park 33,6 km

Felbrigg Hall, Garden and Park 39,1 km

Cyklistické trasy

Najděte místní trasy v národní síti cyklotras - více než 19 000 km cyklistických tras.


Burnham Deepdale 0 km

Burnham Norton 2,5 km

Brancaster - Wells-next-the-Sea 3,2 km


Thornham and North Norfolk Coast Path 7,6 km

Upozornění: Veškeré vzdálenosti uvedené na této stránce byly měřeny vzdušnou čarou – zkontrolujte skutečnou vzdálenost v závislosti na způsobu dopravy pomocí tlačítka Trasa.


Platí podmínky - Podrobnosti naleznete v sekci s typem kempovací jednotky


Zatím žádné recenze.

Časté dotazy

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  • Je kemp Deepdale Camping & Rooms vhodný pro psy? Ano Zobrazit všechny vlastnosti
  • Jaké najdu v okolí kempu Deepdale Camping & Rooms zajímavosti? The campsite is located in the village of Burnham Deepdale, on the beautiful North Norfolk Coast, a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty; the saltmarshes are spectacular; there is wonderful walking right … Přečíst si více