Kamp Klamath RV Park and Campground

The "Big Tree" Redwood. Just minutes from Kamp Klamath RV Park and Campground. (added by manager 22 Dec 2016)

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Have you ever sampled smoked Chinook salmon? If you're going to try it anywhere, have it at California's Kamp Klamath RV Park and Campground, where the fish is smoked so expertly in the campground's own smokehouse that it's won multiple awards. You can land your own salmon straight from the site, as well as cast off for steelhead trout seasons and redtail perch; the world record for the latter was made from Klamath beach. If you're not an angler, stacks of salmon can still be sampled at the Saturday night all you can eat salmon and chicken buffets from Memorial Day to Labour Day (veggie options are on offer too). As it's in the Redwood National Park, outdoor days surround Kamp Klamath within walking or short driving distance. You can swim or kayak at the local section of the Klamath River, the second longest in California, hike the cliffs and waterfalls of Fern Canyon, go elk and otter spotting nearby, or just drive among the spectacular sights of the Wild Rivers Coast. The Kamp Klamath team prides itself on its customer service and on ensuring that guests have a relaxing and memorable stay. Staff members are knowledgeable about natural sites to visit in the area and can share tips on where best to explore. As well as the fishing on site, Klamath has a picnic area, a playground, a sports field and a shop. The campground is pet friendly.

Тип объекта

Участки для палаток 61
Участки для автофургонов 40
Участки для автодомов 40

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Большой (51-200 участков)


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Kamp Klamath RV Park and Campground

1661 West Klamath Beach Road





Как добраться

Часовой пояс

America/Los_Angeles -0700 (GMT-07:00)



Как добраться

Northbound on Highway 101 from Eureka Drive Past Orick; Past both Newton Drury exits; Exit KLAMATH BEACH ROAD-Exit 768; Turn left at stop sign; Drive 2 miles; Kamp Klamath is the SECOND park on your right. Southbound on Highway 101 From Crescent City; Drive Past Klamath; Over Klamath River Bridge; Exit at KLAMATH BEACH ROAD - EXIT 768; Turn left at stop sign; Drive 2 miles; Kamp Klamath is the SECOND park on your right.

Внимание: Все расстояния на этой странице рассчитаны по прямой — пожалуйста, воспользуйтесь кнопкой "Как добраться" выше, чтобы уточнить фактическое расстояние в зависимости от вашего способа передвижения.

Что интересного рядом

This is a spectacular part of California for scenery and outdoor activities, with options for all tastes easily available in under half an hour's drive. The vast landscape of nearby Fern Canyon was used as the location for The Lost World: Jurassic Park and the BBC's Walking with Dinosaurs, so expect to be snapping photos here at regular intervals, especially along the canyon stream. The canyon trail starting at  Gold Bluffs beach crosses Home Creek several times to lead to steps cut into the hillside, up to a fir forest and onto the 19th-century gold mining camp of Lincoln Flats. Kamp Klamath's private estuary trail runs to a remote part of the Klamath River, to where it empties into the Pacific Ocean. Expect to see wildlife including otters, beavers and raccoons among the estuary's islands, and bald eagles, golden eagles, herons and ospreys overhead. The campground's location gives easy access to plenty of central Californian attractions: some suggestions for days out include the Trees of Mystery and the SkyTrail gondola ride; the Big Tree Area and the Giant Tree; the Native American Museum and the Yurok Country Visitor Center; Requa Road overlook and the coastal drive, and the Battery Point historic lighthouse.


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  • Что интересного рядом с Kamp Klamath RV Park and Campground? This is a spectacular part of California for scenery and outdoor activities, with options for all tastes easily available in under half an hour's drive. The vast landscape of nearby Fern Canyon … Читать дальше
  • Когда оформляется заезд/выезд из Kamp Klamath RV Park and Campground?
    Размещение в собственных палатках и автодомах
    Заезд:  12:00 –  22:00
    Отъезд до:  12:00
    Размещение на объекте
    Заезд:  12:00 –  22:00
    Отъезд до:  12:00

    For late arrivals: a map with your name on it will be left in the message box next to the office door.

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