Mystical Adventures

The views (added by manager 20 Apr 2016)

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  • Очень гостеприимный и ориентированный на семьи кемпинг
  • Трекинг, рафтинг, походы, скалолазание и верховая езда
  • Руины крепости инков над Оллантайтамбо
If you think about making an unusual trip, do something unique and you have a great passion for nature, outdoors, and fun, then you'll love camping at Mystical Adventures. This campsite is the ideal place for you and your family. Camping Mystical Adventures is located five minutes from Urubamba, a small town in Peru, located near the Urubamba River under the snow-capped mountain Ch'iqun. It's located a little more than one hour from Cusco and is at the heart of the Sacred Valley of the Incas, two hours and a half by train will lead you to a number of significant ruins of the Inca Empire including Machu Picchu (one of the seven wonders of the world). A stay here will immerse you in a luxuriant nature, in the midst of a very rich and stunning fauna and flora. It's a safe, family-friendly and very welcoming campsite due to a strong family atmosphere. The owners advocate for ecotourism and are very protective of the environment. At Mystical Adventures guests will find a 24-hour front desk and a snack bar. Other facilities offered at the property include a shared lounge, a games room and a tour desk. An array of activities can be enjoyed on site or in the surroundings, including cycling. The property offers free parking and free wifi. The campsite also offers services such as organized excursions with trekking, rafting, hiking, climbing, horse riding, fishing and different types of routes for the historical sanctuary of Machu Picchu. If you don't want to cook while on holidays, the team here recommends that you try El Albergue Restaurante serving scrumptious Peruvian food. They also serve local artisan beer.

Тип объекта

Участки для палаток 10
Участки для автофургонов 5
Участки для автодомов 5
Охотничьи домики, домики-капсулы или шале 5
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Развлечения в кемпинге

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Удобства на месте

WiFi Бесплатный WiFi Биотуалет Доступ в Интернет Есть ванна Есть душ Местные продукты Место для мытья посуды Мобильный туалет Охлаждение пакетами со льдом Парковка возле участка/единицы размещения Прачечная Продуктовый магазин Прокат палаток Собачья площадка Сушильная комната Телефон общего пользования Трансфер от остановки общественного транспорта Туалет Туалет для родителей с детьми Туалеты в пабе

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Возобновляемый источник энергии Газовые баллоны в наличии Места для зарядки устройств Место для зарядки электромобиля Переработка мусора Утилизация химреагентов

Места поблизости

Бар рядом Остановка общественного транспорта рядом Рядом место для выгула собак Фермерский рынок рядом




Удобства для людей с инвалидностью

Развлечения поблизости

Велопрокат рядом Катание на велосипедах рядом Маунтинбайк рядом Плавание на каноэ/каяке рядом Ресторан рядом Рыбалка рядом Скалолазание рядом

Автодома и автофургоны

Подключение водоснабжения для автодомов


Mystical Adventures


Carretera Urubamba-Ollantaytambo KM 75




Как добраться

Часовой пояс

America/Lima -0500 (GMT-05:00)



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Что интересного рядом

You should really go visit the Ollantaytambo Ruins, both the fortress and the temple. These spectacular Inca ruins rise above Ollantaytambo, making a splendid half-day trip. The huge, steep terraces that guard Ollantaytambo’s spectacular Inca ruins mark one of the few places where the Spanish conquistadors lost a major battle. The Pisac ruins are also a truly awesome site with relatively few tourists, this hilltop Inca citadel lies high above the village on a triangular plateau with a plunging gorge on either side. Allow several hours to explore. To walk from town, a steep but spectacular 4km trail starts above the west side of the church. It’s a two-hour climb and 1½ hour return. Worthwhile but grueling, it's a good training for the Inca Trail! Taking a taxi up and walking back is also a good option. The Chinchero market, held on Tuesday, Thursday and especially Sunday, is less touristy than its counterpart in Pisac and well worth a special trip. On Sunday, traditionally dressed locals descend from the hills for the produce market, where the ancient practice of trueco (bartering) still takes place; this is a rare opportunity to observe genuine bartering. If you want to go hiking and trekking, you can go on the far side of the valley, a clear trail climbs upward before heading north and down to the Río Urubamba Valley (about four hours). At the river, the trail turns left and continues to a bridge at Wayllabamba. Cross it for the Sacred Valley road to Calca (turn right, about 13km) or Urubamba (turn left, about 9km). You can flag down any passing bus until mid-afternoon, or continue walking to Yucay, where the trail officially ends. In Yucay you’ll find a colonial church, an Inca ruin, and more than one charming accommodation option if you want to spend the night in the area. Last but not least, there's the natural landmark of Salinas that can not be missed. Salinas is among the most spectacular sights in the whole Cuzco area, with thousands of salt pans that have been used for salt extraction since Inca times. A hot spring at the top of the valley discharges a small stream of heavily salt-laden water, which is diverted into salt pans and evaporated to produce a salt used for cattle licks. It all sounds very pedestrian but the overall effect is beautiful and surreal.


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  • Что интересного рядом с Mystical Adventures? You should really go visit the Ollantaytambo Ruins, both the fortress and the temple. These spectacular Inca ruins rise above Ollantaytambo, making a splendid half-day trip. The huge, steep terraces that guard … Читать дальше
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