Katun Durutovac

Cabins in the woods (added by manager 03 Mar 2020)

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When you’re tired of the pace of modern life and want to make a return to the days before the internet and electricity, a trip to Katun Durutovac – a family-friendly farm site with a historical slant, three kilometres from the northern Montenegrin town of Kolašin – should tick all the right boxes. The site sets guests up for stays that feel like a step back in time, with no wifi, no bright lights and (best of all?) no vehicle access. Guests must travel to the Sport Turist office in Kolašin, from where a shuttle service ferries everyone to the site (and back). This setup ensures a rather quiet stay far away from the modern world. It’s not just a reprieve from technology here either: the residents who live on site during the high season prepare traditional Montenegrin dishes – such as the vegetarian kačamak, cicvara and popara, as well as cooking with different meats – which can be sampled in the restaurant. While a continental breakfast is included in the cost of stays, these more substantial meals cost a little bit extra, but a shared kitchen is in place should something self-catered satisfy. For hours spent back in the present day, talk to the Sport Turist team, who can help organise jeep safaris, horse riding excursions, hiking tours, biking routes and hunting. Dogs are welcome on site too, so feel free to bring canine pals along on lengthy hikes.

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Места поблизости

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Мини (1-10 участков)


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Katun Durutovac

Tourist Agency Sport Turist

Junaka Mojkovačke Bitke Street





Как добраться

Часовой пояс

Europe/Podgorica +0200 (GMT+02:00)



Как добраться

Do not attempt to travel directly to the site. Guests must first check in at the Sport Turist office on Junaka Mojkovačke Bitke Street, Kolašin. From there, they will be transported to the site.

Внимание: Все расстояния на этой странице рассчитаны по прямой — пожалуйста, воспользуйтесь кнопкой "Как добраться" выше, чтобы уточнить фактическое расстояние в зависимости от вашего способа передвижения.

Что интересного рядом

As the site is car-free, guests will need to take the shuttle into Kolašin (three kilometres away) before embarking on grand adventures. Using Kolašin as a starting point, then, be sure to spend at least a few hours getting to know the town. As well as the Sport Turist offices, there are a host of shops and restaurants on pretty streets, and the privately owned Dulovina botanical gardens are primed for an explore. If that latter sparks interest in more days out in nature, the site is well-placed for forays into some of Montenegro’s spectacularly scenic national parks. The closest is Biogradska Gora (20 minutes’ drive from Kolašin) – where visitors should opt for boat rides on the lake, hikes around the forest, and clambers about mountains and glaciers – and Durmitor is an hour and 45 minutes away. To get a further taste of Montenegrin history and culture, make a pitstop at the stunning Morača Monastery (25 minutes from Kolašin) before travelling onwards to capital city Podgorica (and hour and 15 minutes) for parks, famed bridges over the Morača river, museums, a small zoo and a casino.


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