Heart of Nature Family Camp

Aerial view (added by manager 16 Jan 2015)

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It’s all in the name, and this name says it all: there’s plenty of fun facilities and activities at Heart of Nature Family Camp to keep guests of all ages entertained, like a pool, toys and videogames and on-site wine and food tasting, and it’s in a greenly scenic setting too, with smashing views out over the surrounding hills and villages. This friendly family-run place is set up well for extended family stays but, also handy to know, it’s 17 kilometres from the Zagreb-Rijeka highway, so it’s popular too with holidaymakers stopping over on their way to the coast or Zagreb. Whatever your holiday leaning, you’re likely to be spending lots of time getting active in the water around here – rafting and river swimming are all available a short drive away in the local rivers, and lots of spectacular waterfalls and river beaches punctuate the waterways. On land, you can hire bikes on site for two-wheeled tours, and off-road touring excursions can be booked locally too should you fancy exploring the countryside from the comfort of a car. On site, splash time is sorted by the heated outdoor pool (a small extra fee to use it applies), while out of the water various other bits to keep kids busy and brimming are available too, from traditional toys and videogames for indoorsy days, and an outdoor play area with swings and structures to monkey around on when the weather’s clement. Wifi is available free of charge too, so teens can keep up to date their social mediaing when they’re not occupied elsewhere. While the young peeps are off making merry with all that, grownups have got plenty to get stuck into on site too: how’s your knowledge of Croatian wines? Whether you’re a connoisseur or haven’t yet had the pleasure, you can book wine tastings on site to get quaffing the finest tipples the locale has to offer, so in no time at all you’ll be up to speed. And how au fait are you with Croatian gastronomy? You won’t have to venture far at all to become a seasoned expert, for a long leisurely evening or two at the site’s Petrova Klet restaurant will have you sampling all sorts, with grandma’s traditional Croatian dishes like lamb and ravioli with forest mushrooms served up throughout the week. A few days into your stay, however, you might just have picked up enough to attempt your own twist on the cuisine, so the barbecue area is a good place for that. On top of all this, the site takes pride in its spiffing toilet and shower facilities – previous guests have oft extolled them, with words like spotless and well-maintained cropping up regularly.

Тип объекта

Участки для автодомов 26
Участки для палаток 10
Участки для автофургонов 26

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Возобновляемый источник энергии Газовые баллоны в наличии Места для зарядки устройств Место для зарядки электромобиля Переработка мусора Утилизация химреагентов

Места поблизости

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Средний (26-50 участков)


Удобства для людей с инвалидностью

Развлечения поблизости

Велопрокат рядом Верховая езда рядом Гольф рядом Катание на велосипедах рядом Крытый бассейн рядом Маунтинбайк рядом Открытый бассейн рядом Плавание на каноэ/каяке рядом Ресторан рядом Рыбалка рядом


Heart of Nature Family Camp

Gorica Lipnicka 8





Как добраться

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Europe/Zagreb +0200 (GMT+02:00)



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Что интересного рядом

The Kupa river is highly popular with bathers in summer, with topping spots a short pootle away in Vukova Gorica, Donje Prilišće and Ozalj, and around the Lipa, Jarčem polje, Grdunac waterfalls. The blue-green waters of the Mrežnica river too are splendid for summer dips, with dozens of bathing places – oft dotted with waterfalls and ancient mills – along the stretch that flows between Karlovac and Mjesto Primišlje. For a fun family day out within easy reach, take the tiddlers to Aquatika aquarium at the city of Karlovac, just over half an hour’s drive away, and have them learn about the 100 or so species of Croatian freshwater fish that inhabit the tanks there. Stick around the city to wander around other popular attractions like its famed brewery and open-air exhibition at the Croatian War of Independence Museum. As Karlovac lies at the confluence of four rivers, it’s also an excellent spot to try out water-based pursuits like rafting and kayaking, and the splendid Foginovo kupalište (Fogin’s beach) is popular with holidaymakers from all over who head there to loll around, picnic and play games on its pretty grassy embankment in between swims.


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  • Что интересного рядом с Heart of Nature Family Camp? The Kupa river is highly popular with bathers in summer, with topping spots a short pootle away in Vukova Gorica, Donje Prilišće and Ozalj, and around the Lipa, Jarčem polje, Grdunac waterfalls. … Читать дальше
  • Когда оформляется заезд/выезд из Heart of Nature Family Camp?
    Размещение в собственных палатках и автодомах
    Заезд:  14:00 –  22:00
    Отъезд до:  11:00
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