Campo Base Suesca

Reception area (added by manager 18 Oct 2018)

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  • Большой кемпинг у подножия гор Рокас-де-Суэска
  • Пять минут езды до скалолазания, походов и речных сплавов
  • Час до священных озер Суэска и Гуатавита
This place rocks… Campo Base Suesca is at the foot of the famed Rocas de Suesca cliffs, in Colombia’s Cundinamarca province. The name Suesca comes from the Muisca language, meaning either rock of the birds or tail of the macaw... and both are spot on in birdwatching terms, as 40 species of native avians can be seen from the hiking trails that start a five-minute drive from the site. The rocks, and the Bogotá river passing through them, are also a draw for climbers, kayakers and rafters, while a number of painted caves and burial sites can be visited by those of an archaeological persuasion. There’s bags of room to stretch out on this site and savour the mountain views. (Altitude and fresh air provoke the appetite, so peeps say: if that’s the case, head over to the bar in the mornings for an American breakfast.) It’s also handy having somewhere on the site for a cold beer and a debrief after long days climbing cliff faces and hiking the trails, but if you fancy a stroll, it’s a half hour walk (or 10 minutes by car) into Suesca town, for eateries and groceries.

Тип объекта

Участки для палаток 30
Открыто круглый год

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Развлечения в кемпинге

Бар или клуб Бассейн на улице Велопрокат Вечерняя развлекательная программа Водный спорт Детский клуб Еда на вынос Игровая комната Игровая площадка Крытый бассейн Ресторан/кафе при объекте Рыбалка ТВ-зал Теннис Фитнес-центр

Удобства на месте

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Дикая природа Живописный вид Лес Озеро и/или гора Оставьте машину дома Рай для пеших прогулок Тихое место


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Места поблизости

Бар рядом Магазин рядом Остановка общественного транспорта рядом Рядом место для выгула собак Фермерский рынок рядом


Средний (26-50 участков)


Удобства для людей с инвалидностью

Развлечения поблизости

Велопрокат рядом Водный спорт рядом Маунтинбайк рядом Скалолазание рядом


Campo Base Suesca

Rocas de 500 metros por la línea férrea adelante de la Virgen





Как добраться

Часовой пояс

America/Bogota -0500 (GMT-05:00)



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Что интересного рядом

You could easily scale a different slope or walk a different trail every day through the surrounding area, stopping off for river swims and waterfall picnics, or cycling through a lush landscape of dairy farms and flower plantations. If you’re minded to mooch further afield, the lakes of Suesca and Guatavita are 40 minutes and an hour’s drive away, and sacred to the Muisca people. Legend has it that Spanish conquistadors saw a Muisca ritual on these lakes, as the tribal chief floated out on a golden raft, scattering precious gold ornaments into the waters. Today, people visit these protected reserves for the abundant wildlife, which includes macaws, bears and eagles. (If you want to know where all the gold went, take a tour round the Gold Museum in Bogotá (an hour and 10 minutes), which is stacked with dazzling artefacts crafted by the indigenous peoples.) The city’s also home to a number of family theme parks with rides and activities, while for urban days at a more leisurely pace, it’s hard to beat strolls round the brightly-painted old town district, La Candelaria, or meanders of the Sunday markets in Usaquén. Roughly halfway between the site and the big city, there’s a spectacle or two at Parc Jaime Duque (half an hour), an eclectic combo of a zoo and thrill rides, anthropological museum and miniature replicas of famous world buildings. This can only be topped by a trip to Zipaquirá (an hour), whose mines hide a massive cathedral, carved entirely out of salt.


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