Kamp Zelenkovac

Guests during the jazz festival (added by manager 05 Jun 2017)

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It's fairly certain even the most well-travelled traveller won't have seen a site like this: a jazz festival and a wrestling day are held here every year, for starters... Peaceful and remote Kamp Zelenkovac, near Mrkonjić Grad in Bosnia and Herzegovina's Republika Srpska, is the beaut accommodation part of Zelenkovac Ecological Movement, founded in 1997 to create an art gallery and painting studio in the middle of the forest. And in the middle of the forest it is... This spectacular site is surrounded by a splendid forest at the foot of Lisina mountain, with a riverside and with hiking paths snaking off among the trees. Below it is the Zelenkovac garden and the art gallery, which, most niftily, doubles as a café and restaurant dishing up healthy local food at healthy prices in a comely and cosy wooded environment; it's fairly certain you won't have seen anything like this on your travels either. But you're probably agog to hear about the wrestling. And the jazz. And the mushroom foraging, and parties, and hikes, and heaps of other activities held throughout the year by the friendly and welcoming Zelenkovac team. If you're a musical sort, the jazz fest runs for three days in July and concerts are held throughout the year, including a party with live music every New Year's Eve. Wrestling? Show up at the start of May to tussle in the traditional wrestling game Hajducki Sastanak, part of an active programme that also takes in a hike to the nearby Dimitor mountain in mid-March, and a ramble in the surrounding forest in autumn to forage for plump regional mushrooms. Or do your tastes tend towards the more contemplative? Go for the international Go tournament in mid-July, or potter about at any time of year to natter with arty sorts living on site as part of the Zelenkovac artists' residencies scheme. Although it's a remote and peaceful place (you'll really reckon you're cut from civilisation here), Zelenkovac is accessed only 600 metres from the road, and is well placed for more Bosnian travels, such as swimming and fishing at Balkana lake, close to the site's nearest big town of Mrkonjić Grad, or trips to the mountain town and waterfall of Jajce, 40 minutes' drive away,

Тип объекта

Охотничьи домики, домики-капсулы или шале 10
Участки для палаток 50
Участки для автофургонов 50
Участки для автодомов 50
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Места поблизости

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Средний (26-50 участков)


Удобства для людей с инвалидностью

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Kamp Zelenkovac



Босния и Герцеговина


Как добраться

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Europe/Sarajevo +0200 (GMT+02:00)



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Что интересного рядом

It's a 20-minute drive from Zelenkovac to Mrkonjić Grad, and from there about 10 minutes to the peaceful and still waters of Balkana in their green and wooded surroundings. Two artificial lakes are at the recreation centre here, tiptop for summer fishing and swimming; just up from the lake, the keen can try hiking and climbing up Lisina mountain in all months, or shoot down it on skis in winter. Lisina's also another top spot for local mushroom foraging, on its Mushroom Road network of paths and for hiking on its several trails. Paragliding (and a mountain lodge, for the puffed out) are available at the mountain's peak. To sort more outdoor activities, call in at the Pecka tourist office in Mrkonjic Grad, the starting and end point for outdoor excursions of all kinds. Climbers will be highly chuffed with the office's setting too, at the foot of the famed Pecka rocks, the biggest natural climbing centre in the country with over 100 routes. (Rock climbing is such a heady pastime here that a festival is dedicated to it every July.) The office team can also point you in the direction of gentler local pursuits such as wandering the springs of the Sana river, six kilometres from Mrkonjić Grad, or going on the trail of local food producers to investigate the country's cuisine. Within day trip distance, the gardens, parks and nearby spas and thermal springs of 'Green City' Banja Luka, the biggest in Republika Srpska, can be reached in about an hour and 10 minutes' by car. Closer to home, the mountain town of Jajce, with its famed waterfall where the Pliva and Vrbas rivers meet, is about 40 minutes' drive away.


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