Using our new accessibility search filters to find a holiday that meets your needs

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A universally accessible camping pod, with access ramp and blue umbrellas at the seating area

In February 2024, Pitchup conducted research with 2,000 disabled people and found there is a strong desire for outdoor adventure, with the disabled community looking for outdoor holidays that connect with nature, offer a tranquil escape and are budget-friendly. But, only around half of respondents believed outdoor holidays to be accessible.

Of those who have never taken an outdoor holiday, 83% were put off due to accessibility concerns and three-quarters of all respondents wanted to see more information on accessibility added to accommodation listings, particularly information on accessible bathrooms, step-free access and parking.

We were proud to discover that for those surveyed who have previously enjoyed an outdoor holiday through Pitchup, almost 90% found their stay to be accessible, but we know there’s more we can do to help make it easier to find a place to stay that meets your needs.

We’ve introduced new accessibility search filters based on feedback from the disability community on which information they’d find most helpful when searching for a place to book. 

Below you’ll see the new filters and their definitions. You’ll find these filters in the ‘Accessibility’ section of our search filters, simply select the accessibility filters that best suit your needs and browse the results.

Our research showed that verification and reviews from other disabled visitors are extremely important and helpful in the booking process too - we’re working hard to introduce these new features in the near future - watch this space!

Introducing the new accessibility search filters

The new accessibility filters allow you to search for both general site information, such as moving around the site, and entrances and exits, as well as specifics on bathrooms and washing facilities. If you’re not bringing your own tent or caravan you can also select accessibility search filters to look for on-site accommodation such as glamping pods and lodges. 

Moving around the site, entrances and exits

Here you’ll find new filters designed to give you an idea of the accessibility of the site overall, covering everything from step-free access to terrain.  

Aerial view of Sutton Hoo Holidays Campsite, Suffolk

Step free access, or access via permanent or temporary ramps

This filter refers to the general layout of a site and how customers can access various amenities.

Smooth, hard surfaces on paths and roads e.g. tarmac

Smooth hard surfaces can be easier for people with disabilities to navigate, sites with this filter have paved, tarmac or smooth roads and pathways

Uneven ground, gravel or crushed stone paths

Uneven ground, gravel or crushed stone paths and tracks can make it difficult for people with limited mobility, wheelchair users and other kinds of disabilities to get around. Sites select this filter if they have challenging terrain on their site.

Level site, no steep slopes or hills

Sites with this filter do not have any steep inclines and are mostly on flat ground.

Well-lit paths

Well-lit paths are useful for all guests, but especially for guests who may have limited mobility or have low-vision. Sites with this filter are well lit and easy to navigate at night. 

We ask that sites do not select this filter if guests need to use a torch to move around the site at night. 

Pitch location

 Site Map, High Sand Creek Campsite, Norfolk

Pitch location was one of the most common challenges in the feedback we heard from our customers who have disabilities or access needs. You can now search with the below filters to find sites with parking at pitch, and accessible bathrooms close by. 

Pitch close to accessible bathroom facilities (within 50 metres of bathrooms)

Sites select this filter if pitches are available close to amenities 

Accessible parking spot available at pitch

Sites select this filter if it is possible to park by your pitch. 

An accessible parking spot is on even and stable ground and at least 4.8 metres long x 2.4 metres wide, with access alongside both sides and behind the vehicle of 1.2 metres. 

Bathrooms and showers

Accessible bathroom and shower at Park Rose Caravans, East Yorkshire

Access to clean, suitable toilet and shower facilities is of paramount importance for disabled customers, and those with access requirements. You can now use the filters below to find sites with suitable bathroom amenities.

Step-free access

This means there are no steps or bumps of over 2.5cm to access the toilet or shower block, or access is via a ramp.

Wide doorways (doorways are over 30 inches / 75cm)

Sites with this filter have doorways over 30 inches / 75 cm wide. 

Wheelchair-accessible bathroom

We ask sites to select this filter only if their accessible bathroom includes all of the below: 

  • Step-free entrance, no steps or bumps more than 2.5cm

  • Toilet with at least 90cm space to one side with support handles or grab bars 

  • Toilet seat that is easily operated from a wheelchair

  • Washbasin at a maximum height of 80 cm, with clear space underneath

  • Red emergency pull cord that is untied and reaches the floor

Wheelchair accessible shower

We ask sites to select this filter only if their accessible shower includes all of the below: 

  • Step-free entrance - no steps, bumps more than 2.5cm or shower trays with raised edges

  • Main doorway and shower door entrance wider than 30 inches / 75 cms

  • Shower seat

  • Grab bars or support handles

  • Taps and fixtures that are easily reachable

Large spacious bathroom / shower

A space large enough for multiple people e.g. a disabled person and a personal assistant, or parent and child/children. This could be a similar size to a family room/shower

Fixed Accommodation: Static caravans, lodges, yurts

Accessible Camping Pod at Cayton Village Experience Freedom Glamping, North Yorkshire

If you are not planning on bringing your own tent, caravan or motorhome with you, you can  search for fixed accommodation using the filters below. We ask sites to include as much information as possible so you can understand if the accommodation will work for you.  

Step free access, or access via permanent or temporary ramps

This filter means there are no steps or bumps more than 2.5cm to access doorways or paths leading to the accommodation. 

If there are any steps or ramps, sites can add details of where the steps can be found, and how manysteps there are. Sites can also add details on where to find or request temporary ramps here too.

Wide doorways (doorways are over 30 inches / 75cm)

According to UK building regulations, doorways must be over 30 inches / 75 cm wide, sites selecting this filter have wide doorways. 

Smooth, hard surfaces on paths and roads from parking leading to accommodation e.g. tarmac

Uneven ground, gravel or crushed stone paths

Sites use this filter to let guests know their site has uneven or challenging terrain.

Well-lit paths

Well-lit paths are useful for all guests, but especially for guests who may have limited mobility or have low-vision. Sites with this filter are well lit and easy to navigate at night. 

We ask that sites do not select this filter if guests need to use a torch to move around the site at night.

Private wheelchair-accessible bathroom

We ask sites to select this filter only if their accessible bathroom includes all of the below: 

  • Step-free entrance, no steps or bumps more than 2.5cm

  • Toilet with at least 90cm space to one side with support handles or grab bars 

  • Toilet seat and lid that is easily operated from a wheelchair

  • Washbasin at a maximum height of 80 cm, with clear space underneath

  • Red emergency pull cord that is untied and reaches the floor

Private wheelchair accessible shower

We ask sites to select this filter only if their accessible shower includes all of the below: 

  • Step-free entrance - no steps, bumps more than 2.5cm or shower trays with raised edges

  • Main doorway and shower door entrance wider than 30 inches / 75 cms

  • Shower seat

  • Grab bars or support handles

  • Taps and fixtures that are easily reachable

Large spacious bathroom / large spacious shower

A space large enough for multiple people e.g. a disabled person and a personal assistant, or parent and child/children. This could be a similar size to a family room/shower

Private Kitchen

If the accommodation has kitchen or cooking facilities, you can search with the following features:

Step free access, or access via permanent or temporary ramps

This means there are no steps or bumps more than 2.5cm to access doorways or paths leading to the kitchen. If there are any steps or ramps, sites will add details of these. 

Lowered sink (max. height 80 cms)

Kitchen sink has been lowered to allow easy access.

Lowered cabinets or work surfaces (max. height 60-70 cm from floor)

Kitchen cabinets or work surfaces have been lowered to allow easy access.

We hope you enjoy using the new filters and can find a great holiday for you, your friends and family.

We are continuously working to improve the accessibility of our site and would love to hear any feedback or suggestions, please write to us at .