Tom's Eco Lodge

A view from your verandah

Ez a kemping jelenleg nem foglalható a oldalon keresztül.

Amennyiben Ön ennek a kempingnek a tulajdonosa, elkezdhet foglalásokat felvenni a
oldalon keresztül. Ingyenes, gyors, egyszerű!

A vállalkozására vonatkozó információk megadása

Tom's Eco Lodge is five luxurious safari tents, 2 cabins & 2 eco pods, each nestled away in the glorious surroundings of Tapnell Farm on the Isle of Wight. The perfect location for an adventurous or relaxing family holiday, group get together, party or romantic hideaway. The Island is easily accessible from the mainland and boasts the most sunshine in the UK! This historic site has panoramic sea views north and west. The farm was also the setting for the legendary and original Isle of Wight Festival 1970, think Jimi, The Doors, Joni, The Who... Set in an incredible location nestled into the woodland at Tapnell Farm, Tom’s Eco Lodge enjoys sea views both north and west, surrounding the glorious rolling landscape of the Island. The Tents: Each tent is perfect for a family or group of up to six. Or the whole site caters up to 30. Rustic dining table and chairs form the central piece for each lovingly made meal. Comfy sofas and games compendium make the perfect space to relax or play a board/card game together. Rooms, food and facilities: Each Safari tent has two double beds, one bunk (two singles) and a sofa bed. The tent has electricity (from our 50kWh panels), flushing toilet, hot shower and running water, sink unit, wood burning stove & oven, sofa, dining table and chairs, a few games, kettle. Each tent Is heated by its own wood burning stove, and wood is provided F.O.C. The tents are full of character and style making them a home away from home. Cabins: Each cabin is perfect for up to 8 people- great for one large family or a couple, as well as a group of friends. There is also a sofa bed if space for 10 is needed. Beds include: 1 double, 1 twin, and a bunk room with 2 bunk beds. These cabins have everything you would need for a summer bbq or cosy winter evening. A fully equipped kitchen, dining table inside and out, sun loungers, bbq, sofas, bookcases, wifi, bathroom and shower! The cabins are fully insulated and also have heating to keep it nice and warm on a colder night. Open all year round. Eco Pods: Each pod can sleep up to 4 people with a double bed and double sofa bed. These snug wigwams have a kitchenette with microwave and hob, inside and outside dining and private shower room with toilet. You can also treat yourself to your own log burning hot tub for the duration of your stay. Whether it is for a special occasion or just to add a little more luxury to your stay. So if you want to watch the sunset over the horizon, roam free in the paddock, gaze the millions of stars, put your feet up by the wood burner, bathe at the beach, walk the Island, surf the waves or just eat delicious pizza made in the wood burning oven, this place is for you. There is also the added feel good factor that you get all this and it doesn’t cost the earth.

Kemping típusa

Üdülőházak, faházak, kempingházak vagy kunyhók 9

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Sajnos nincsenek olyan kempingek a közelben, ahol foglalni lehet.

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Kikapcsolódási lehetőségek helyben

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Kényelmi szolgáltatások helyben

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Gazdaság Kisméretű (1-10 hely)


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Kikapcsolódási lehetőségek a közelben

Beltéri uszoda a közelben Biciklikölcsönzés a közelben Biciklizés a közelben Golf a közelben Hegyi bringázás a közelben Horgászási lehetőség a közelben Kenuzás/kajakozás a közelben Lovaglás a közelben Mászási lehetőség a közelben Szörfiskola a közelben Tenisz a közelben Vitorlázás a közelben Vízi sportok a közelben Étterem a közelben


Tom's Eco Lodge

Tapnell Farm

Newport Road


Isle Of Wight





Europe/London GMT (GMT+00:00)


50,67819 °É
-1,47243 °Ny


Easily accessible from all Island ferry ports with connections to the mainland. Closest route is Lymington to Yarmouth using Wightlink. Other routes are from Portsmouth or Southampton. There is no public transport from the Ferry ports to our Glamping site, however there are to the local town of Freshwater. There are plenty of Taxi's available on the Isle of Wight, however should you wish to bring your car then we have lots of parking space available.

A legközelebbi repülőtér

Távolsági busz
9,9 km Bus Shelter
9,9 km Bus Shelter
10,3 km Priestlands Place
9,8 km Lymington Pier Rail Station
10,3 km Lymington Town Rail Station
15,3 km Sway Rail Station
3,7 km Yarmouth IOW Ferry Terminal
9,7 km Lymington Pier Ferry Terminal
15,5 km West Cowes Floating Bridge
27,7 km Bournemouth International Airport
31,3 km Southampton Airport

Kérjük, ne feledje: A lapon megadott távolságok légvonalban értendők. Kérjük, hogy az utazási módja szerint ellenőrizze a valós távolságot a lent található "Útmutatás kérése" gomb segítségével.

Helyi látnivalók

Tapnell Farm: Tapnell and East Afton Farm is a family run business. The family have been in agriculture for over 100 years, owing to a continuous passion to farm sustainably and responsibly. The farm spans across 400 acres of grassland and wheat. The south side of the farm was the location for the 'Isle of Wight Pop Festival' 1970. The largest music festival with over 600,000 fans of Joni Mitchell, The Who, The Doors and Jimi Hendrix, to name but a few. The farm is a great family day out with a play barn free for guests, restaurant, farm gift shop and gallery. A fantastic starting place to explore and learn, so don't forget your wellies! The Isle of Wight: The Isle of Wight is growing increasingly more popular as ‘the place to visit’ for holidays close to home, and boasting to be the island with the most sunshine in the UK you can understand why. The Island plays host to festivals of music, film, sports, food and drink, including The Isle of Wight Festival (award winning), the world famous sailing regatta ‘Cowes Week’, The Bestival (award winning), The Rhythm Tree Festival, The Minghella Film Festival, The Jazz festival, The Island Games and The Garlic Festival. The great thing about being a small Island is that you are never far from the beautiful unspoilt coastline, with its miles of great beaches to discover. Whether you are looking to play, relax, sail, surf, kite or swim there are beaches for you. Our local favorites are Compton and Freshwater Bay. For food and drink lovers, great pubs, cafes, farm shops, vineyards and tasty restaurants welcome you all over the Island. The island also has a number of fabulous independent boutiques for those of you who love to shop – especially in Yarmouth, Cowes and Ryde

Vízminőség a közeli fürdőhelyeken

Név Távolság Típus 2020201920182017
Compton Bay 2,5 km Tenger Nincs adatKiválóKiválóKiváló
Colwell Bay 4,8 km Tenger Nincs adatKiválóKiválóKiváló
Totland Bay 5,2 km Tenger Nincs adatKiválóKiválóKiváló
Milford-On-Sea 11 km Tenger Nincs adatKiválóKiválóKiváló
Gurnard 13,8 km Tenger Nincs adatKiválóKiválóKiváló

Adatforrás: Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség

Nem érdemes kihagyni

Fort Victoria Country Park 4,7 km

Isle of Wight Pearl 5,8 km

Needles Park - Heritage Attractions Ltd 6,7 km

The Needles Old Battery & New Battery 7,5 km

Carisbrooke Castle 11,2 km

National Trust

Mottistone Manor Garden 4,9 km

Newtown Old Town Hall 6,3 km

Brighstone Shop and Museum 6,6 km

The Needles Old Battery and New Battery 7,6 km

Bembridge Windmill 26,6 km


Fedezze fel ezt helyi útvonalak a Nemzeti Kerékpárhálózaton – és több mint 19.000 km-nyi bicikliutat.


Freshwater Bay - Alum Bay - Colwell Bay - Freshwater Bay 2,8 km

Yarmouth and the River Yar - Isle of Wight 3,5 km

Ningwood - Newtown River and the Sea 3,7 km

Yarmouth Roads 3,8 km


Helyi események

  • Isle of Wight Festival (2025. június 19., csütörtök – 2025. június 19., csütörtök)

    Newport, Anglia 13,3 km

Kérjük, ne feledje: A lapon megadott távolságok légvonalban értendők. Kérjük, hogy az utazási módja szerint ellenőrizze a valós távolságot a lent található "Útmutatás kérése" gomb segítségével.


Feltételek vannak érvényben – a részleteket lásd a kempinghelyek típusairól szóló részben


Még nincsenek értékelések.

Gyakran ismételt kérdések

  • A(z) Tom's Eco Lodge kempingben van-e úszómedence? Nem Az összes jellemző megtekintése
  • A(z) Tom's Eco Lodge kutyabarát-e? Igen Az összes jellemző megtekintése
  • Milyen látnivalók vannak a(z) Tom's Eco Lodge közelében? Tapnell Farm: Tapnell and East Afton Farm is a family run business. The family have been in agriculture for over 100 years, owing to a continuous passion to farm sustainably and responsibly. … Olvasson tovább