Campings - Shrewsbury, Angleterre

Shrewsbury : 45 campings réservables à moins de 24,1 kilomètres

Toutes les distances sont calculées à vol d'oiseau.

Although we are usually Very Knowledgeable (and modest), shamefully we had not heard of the term ‘Salopian’ until writing about camping in Shrewsbury. Tsk.

We now know – and natch shall share – that a Salopian is a resident of smashing Shrewsbury, Shropshire’s county town, and includes such well-regarded former inhabitants as Charles Darwin, Wilfred Owen and the founding members of esteemed organ Private Eye.

Honorary Salopian status should, we think, also be conferred upon regular visitors, such as EM Forster, who described the city as ‘astonishing Shrewsbury’ and Charles Dickens, whose tight-fisted character Ebenezer Scrooge character has a headstone in St Chad’s Church (A Christmas Carol was filmed in Shrewsbury in 1982).

Honorary Salopians at Shrewsbury campsites today have shuts (medieval streets) to shoot through, nine bridges to trip over and four shopping centres to happily stroll through to buy Shrewbury cakes and other goodies. Visit Shrewsbury in spring and summer for its festivals and shows: the Shrewsbury Flower Show is one of the biggest in England; and the Shrewsbury Folk Festival, Shrewsbury Fields Forever, Shrewsbury Children's BookFest and – our fave – the Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival – all see thousands of temporary Salopians land here; click on the festival links to see where to stay nearby. 

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Shrewsbury Emplacements pour tenteShrewsbury Emplacements pour caravaneShrewsbury Emplacements pour camping-carShrewsbury Bungalows, chalets, pods ou huttesShrewsbury Mobil-homes, caravanes à louerShrewsbury Glamping