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Vurdering av Feefo-tjeneste

Leirplasser i nærheten av Totally Thames

Når er det? Fra Sept. 1, 2023 til Sept. 30, 2023.
Hvor er det? South Bank, London, Stor-London, SE1 9PH England

Billed as London's biggest free outdoor arts festival, this celebration of everything Thames-related makes for two busy days of riverside fun.

Barges, yachts and gin palaces of all shapes and sizes take to the water for the river parade, and the banks teem with street performers, art installations and market stalls offering quality food and crafts from around the world.

There's masses of free live entertainment too: take in a fashion show, one of umpteen musicians and bands, or a concert featuring the combined voices of over 50 choirs. Or you can get down and boogie at the 'disco shed', a garden shed with a difference!

One of the festival's highlights is the magical night carnival on the final evening, when 2,000 dancers, drummers, lantern-carriers and 'costumed masqueraders' wind their way along both banks. The spectacle is rounded off with one of London's best annual pyrotechnic displays, with over a tonne of fireworks fired from barges in the centre of the river.

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7 campingplasser det er mulig å booke innenfor 24.1 kilometer fra Totally Thames

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