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Blog posts from oktober 2012

  1. Caravans face carnage in Skegness

    oktober 30, 2012
    av | events

    Try to set the night on fi-re...
    The folks at Top Gear will be pleased – Skegness Stadium is to host a caravan destruction derby this weekend (4 November) as part of a motoring event to celebrate Guy Fawkes Night.


    Bangers & Caravans Destruction Derby

    is billed as the stadium’s end of season party and will …

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  2. Ghostly goings on – pitch up for Halloween

    oktober 24, 2012
    av | events

    Werewolf keeper-away-er

    *switches on torch*

    *holds torch under chin*

    *starts intoning in deathly hollow drawl*

    As we’re excitable sorts and take any opportunity to dress up in Victorian gowns (men) and luxuriant moustaches (women), we’ve already sorted out our costumes and are looking forward to Halloween. Answering the door to small trick …

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  3. The best of British rock – pitching up at Stonehenge

    oktober 16, 2012
    av | destinations

    Stonehenge on stage. Not to scale. There have been many dubious claims over the centuries about just what Stonehenge is meant to be. Built sometime between 3500 and 1500 BC by three different prehistoric cultures, the purpose of the stones has long been debated by those of us with too much time on our hands.

    It …

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  4. Walk in Wales this weekend - and beyond...

    oktober 10, 2012
    av | destinations

    Boots and leaves and walking

    Hay Walking Festival

    starts tomorrow! Yes, a walking festival, not the literary one – although you could do as we do and have your nose in your book/Kindle as you walk (probably not recommended for steep mountain tracks).

    Hay-on-Wye is known for its literary connections, with over thirty bookshops …

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  5. Of pumpkins and zombies - autumnal October events

    oktober 2, 2012
    av | events

    Not the standard autumn festival
    Autumn is here! I’ve dug out my favourite leaf-kicking boots and my Matrix-style long leather coat (which looks hilarious at 5’3), scowled at the new influx of students talking loudly and importantly in my local coffee shop (they’ll keep), and found last year’s safety goggles for this year’s conker wars …

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